One day kid gave a Handmade card to his parents.

When the parents got the card they saw there was a little handprint of their son on the card. Inside there was a photograph of him with a little note writing with his photo.

Words written were ” Sometimes you get angry and discouraged because I am so small and leave my fingerprints on furniture and walls. But I am growing every day and someday these fingerprints will fade away. So, here is a final handprint of my hand here on a card so that one day you can recall how my fingerprint exactly looked when I was small.”

They realized what they had been losing in the race of life and this touched their heart and they hugged and kissed him with love.

Don’t wait to spend time with kids. Slow down and enjoy and spend with family. Once time passes away you will not get that back and it’s better to enjoy life now than to regret it later.