Right Before My Son Proposed to His Girlfriend, My Young Niece Knocked the Ring Away and Yelled, ‘Stop! It’s a Lie!’
Some claim that children see the truth more clearly than adults.
That night, my niece Cora showed me how true that statement is and probably rescued me from making the biggest mistake of my life.
I built my life from nothing. And I expected my son to try to do the same.
What about Nathan? My only child, my flesh and blood, has spent years living on my dime. At 35, he had not had steady work in more than six months.
“You’re thirty-five. Don’t you think it’s time you found a real job? Something with a future?”
Nathan rolled his eyes. “Dad, you don’t understand today’s economy. It’s not like when you started out.”
He waved his hand dismissively. “Dad, you’re so stuck in the old ways of thinking. Success doesn’t look like it used to.”
I think I shouldn’t have been so soft with him after his mother d.i.e.d when he was 12.
Months passed, but nothing changed.
Then came the day when I could no longer ignore the agony in my side. After weeks of tests and specialists, I found myself sitting across from Dr. Harmon, observing his expression as he broke the news.
“I’m sorry, Matthew,” he said. “The can:cer has spread aggressively. With treatment, we’re looking at about twelve months.”
My affairs. My business was robust. My financials were in order. My son was still living like a teenager, with no plans for the future.
So, the next day, I sat Nathan down in my study and delivered a final ultimatum.
“Nate, you either get engaged and start settling down, or I cut you off. No inheritance, no trust fund, nothing. Do you want a future? Build one.”
Two weeks later, Nathan revealed that he had met someone amazing.
A month later, he informed me that they were serious. By the third month, Nathan had chosen to be married.
At the center of it all was his fiancée, Madison, a lovely brunette. She was perfect.
Perhaps the thought of marriage had finally matured him.
“Uncle Matthew?” A little voice emerged from near me and interrupted my thoughts. My 9-year-old niece Cora stood there in her blue party outfit.
Before I could ask what was wrong, the music stopped and Nathan asked for everyone’s attention.
“Thank you all for coming tonight,” he said, his voice carrying across the room. “I have something special planned.”
Then the moment arrived.
Nathan knelt down and opened a little velvet box containing a diamond ring, preparing to propose. But before he could speak, a cry pierced the air.
“No! STOP! It’s a LIE!”
It was Cora.
I sat her down and spoke calmly. “Tell me what happened. Why did you do that?”
Tears welled in her eyes. “Uncle Matthew, I saw them… an hour ago. In one of the rooms. Nathan handed her a thick envelope. She took it out, there was money, and he said she’d get the second half tonight if she played her role of the bride until the end.”
“You’ve done everything right, my darling!” I said. “Thank you for opening my eyes!”
Then I noticed a shadow approaching us. I looked up and saw it was Nathan.
He hesitated but then closed the door behind him. “Dad, listen—”
“I know the truth,” I interrupted. “I know you hired an actress to play your bride. All for the money.”
“I’m cutting you off. No inheritance, no trust fund, no property. Everything I built will go to someone who deserves it.”
I turned and walked back into the lounge, where Cora was still waiting for me.
Once inside, I moved to the front, seized the microphone, and cleared my throat to catch everyone’s attention.
“I want to make an announcement,” I said. “From this moment on, my niece, Cora, will be the sole heir to my estate. Tonight, we celebrate my lovely niece Cora for her loyal and honest heart! And the engagement… Well, it’s canceled.”
I took Cora’s hand and walked out of the theater, leaving Nathan standing in the ruins of his own decisions.
And, for the first time in years, I felt light.