fix a relationship – Inovatestory Make Your Day Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:42:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 fix a relationship – Inovatestory 32 32 231211893 14 Ways To Fix A Relationship After Saying Hurtful Things Thu, 18 Jan 2024 09:42:08 +0000 14 Ways To Fix A Relationship After Saying Hurtful Things
1. First of all, analyze the words coming out of your mouth during a fight or even a conversation.

Did you genuinely mean what you said? If not, where did it all go wrong and what would be the right approach of expressing what’s on your mind?

2. The next step is, of course, apologizing sincerely to your partner. Make sure you clarify what exactly you feel sorry about

3. Acknowledge the fact that your partner is entitled to feel upset or even mortified after a war of words and may not accept your apology right in that moment

4. It’s absolutely important that you give them the time and space they need to process their feelings and heal from initial hurt

5. Remember, the blame game is never the right way to go about it

6. Take full responsibility for your actions and words, at least when you are trying to make amends. Don’t come up with excuses to cover up for your rudeness

7. Communicate effectively. If there’s something you wish your partner did differently, then sit with them and calmly explain why you want it handled this way and also listen to their perspective on the matter very patiently

8. Show that you are sorry, not just say it. Apologize sincerely by expressing genuine remorse to regain your partner’s love and faith in you and the relationship

9. Make it a point to yourself, and a commitment to your partner, that you will work on the issues that need to be addressed in order to check your temper

10. Do whatever it takes, from meditation to reading books on anger management to going for couple’s therapy

11. Control your own urges to say dismissive phrases like “Why are you so needy?”, “Here we go again!”, or “I am done with you”

12. The damage in the relationship is already done and the remedy is that you be extra polite, affectionate, and respectful to help your partner heal from the pain. That will come effortlessly once you sort the interpersonal problems between you two

13. Give it time; don’t rush the process

14. Lastly, go all out with the romantic gestures to make them feel special and cared for again – From date nights, to gifts and flowers, to spending quality time with each other, just like the old days when you started dating
