hair care – Inovatestory Make Your Day Wed, 15 Nov 2023 08:49:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 hair care – Inovatestory 32 32 231211893 6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat Wed, 15 Nov 2023 08:49:28 +0000 6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat

There’s nothing like wearing a bouncy set of curls. You’re probably all too familiar with go-to methods like flat irons and curling wands that transform strands into voluminous ringlets, but applying too much heat to your hair can damage your natural hair texture.

So is there any way to curl your hair without ending up with damage? Fortunately for you, there is. Try one of these no-heat curl techniques to impress everyone with your curly and healthy hair

Let’s try these 6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat.

1. Pin Curls

6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat

2. Putting Your Hair in a Bun

6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat

3. Using Cold Rollers

A typical headband makes it very easy to curl your hair overnight. This method doesn’t make tight rolls so much as it does loose waves.

See More: 

4. Wrapping Your Hair around a Headband or a Turban

Use a head band

6 Best Ways to Curl Your Hair Without Heat


Use a turban

5. Use A Sock

See More: 

And other ways you can try:



Although heat treating is definitely a quick and easy way to create curls, you might not want to do it every day. Rather, you should try out some other heatless options every so often. So simple and so beautiful. Anyone can do this. It is nice to be able to leave the house and not feel like a mess for a change.

You’ll also want to comb through your favorite hair mousse or other favorite styling product that has a little hold and some smoothing power.

Try these methods now to see the miracle!

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SEE MORE: Life Hacks, Tips & Tricks
9 Golden Rules to Keep Hair Clean and Voluminous for a Longer Time Fri, 14 Jan 2022 06:18:22 +0000 The more you wash your hair, the more oily it becomes. You can wash your hair once every five days as Kim Kardashian suggests. “We start with a bouffant on the first day. On the second day, my stylist creates a kind of a careless hairstyle. On the third day, he straightens my hair. On the fourth day, my hair is pulled back in a ponytail and on the fifth day, I wash it.” But stylists have other tricks and secrets.

W gathered 9 tips that can help make your hair stay fresh and voluminous longer. There’s a bonus at the end that explains how to find out the degree of hair damage.

Apply shampoo like a professional.

  1. Water temperature should be comfortable for you. Stand in the shower for a minute and make sure your hair is already wet.
  2. Squeeze out some shampoo (the size of a large coin) onto your hands and rub them together. Apply the shampoo onto your head in a circular motion, moving from the top of your head to the bottom.
  3. Rinsing takes more time than applying. Stylists recommend washing out the shampoo for 5 minutes. Left and dried shampoo particles can cause dull hair color and even the appearance of dandruff.
  4. It’s also recommended to rinse hair with cold water in the end. This will lead to the strengthening of hair cuticles and your hair will be able to keep in more moisture and appear shinier.

Hairstyles planning

Everyday hairstyle planning with increasing complication lets us wash our hair less frequently and look amazing each day.

Sage herb tincture

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Tinctures consisting of herbs fight well against greasy hair. Sage controls sebaceous glands’ work, soothes the skin, and treats inflammations. You’ll need 4 tbsp of dry sage for one l of water. Sage can be brewed just like ordinary tea. When the tincture has cooled, rinse your clean hair with it (then you should rinse the hair with cool clear water.)

Washing schedule

If you wash your hair every day, you’d better change this habit slowly: as time passes, the intensity of sebaceous glands work declines: there will be no need to restore the skin balance after everyday washing.

Use dry shampoo before a workout

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It’s rather useless to use dry shampoo after a workout: the hair becomes so greasy that we can do nothing with it. You’d better apply dry shampoo before exercises so that it can absorb all of the sweat during a workout.

“Pillowcase schedule”

© pixabay

It’s very pleasant for us and useful for hair to sleep on clean pillows. As time passes, pillowcases absorb epidermal cells and old makeup and it creates an enabling environment for bacteria. To support our skin and hair health, we have to change pillowcases at least once a week. And if your hair is greasy, you’d better do it twice a week.

Hair lemonade

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A “lemonade” for hair helps fight against excessive greasiness, keep your hair fresh and voluminous, and create natural shine. It’s very easy to prepare it – mix juice squeezed out of one lemon with one l of water and rinse your hair with this mixture. It’s recommended to pour it slowly and massage your hair roots with one hand.

High hairstyles

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High hairstyles keep one’s hair fresh longer. If you’re at home, make a high ponytail or a bun and let your hair down before you go out. This trick will also add some volume to your hair.

Deep care for the skin on your head

All “heavy” skin care products (masks, balms, conditioners) are mostly to be used for hair ends. But there is an exclusion: head skin masks. It’s recommended to apply it in pair with deep peeling. Hydrated skin won’t produce any excessive sebum. It’s better not to apply the mask on top of your head but to apply it where your hair parts and massage your skin.

Bonus: hair health test

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Stylist Thomas Taw who works with Sarah Jessica Parker, Blake Lively, Ellen Page, and Jude Law suggests performing a simple test to find out the degree of your hair damage. You need to pull out a single strand of hair and put it into a glass with clean water. If it floats on the surface, your hair is healthy, if it sinks, you’re in need of treatment.

How often do you usually wash your hair? Do you have your own secrets on how to make your hair look gorgeous? Share with us!

Hair Care Tips For Healthy Hair This Winter Tue, 16 Nov 2021 18:29:40 +0000 Winter is perfect to get comfortable with a great book and a cup of hot cocoa, isn’t it? However as winters set in, hair turns dry and frizzy causing dandruff and itchy scalp. And as we try to keep ourselves warm and cozy, our Hair too needs care. Hot showers and indoor heating makes the scalp dehydrated, which further aggravates dandruff and leads to itchy scalp.

So, how do you take care of your hair and minimize these harsh winter effects and prevent damage?

These are 8 ways winter hair care tips you should definitely follow!

1. Winter Hair Care Tip For Flaky Scalp

The lack of moisture during the cold winter months makes your scalp drier and itchier, which becomes the cause of the main problems like dandruff and irritation of the scalp, aggravating the need to scratch. All these combined can lead to hair fall. The right hair care routine can help you manage all these issues easily. You can use good home remedies for many of the issues.

 For a flaky scalp, keep ready two tablespoons of coconut oil, and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Warm up the oil a little bit, ensuring it’s not too hot for the scalp, and then mix in the lemon juice. Using a cotton ball, dab this mixture on your scalp massaging the scalp gently. Leave it on for half an hour, and then wash it. Repeat this process every week until the dryness persists in the air, or longer in case you still feel a few flakes here and there.

2. Wash your hair less frequently to avoid frizz


How To Control Frizz Hair During Winter?

You’ve faced it multiple times, so you know how annoying it is to take care of the fly-aways every winter due to the static. Your hair turns into a frizzy mess. 

To control the frizz, avoid washing your hair with hot water, since it washes away the natural oils that form a protection around your hair. Try to use only lukewarm water, if you are unable to use cold water. Use a nourishing shampoo and an extra dab of leave-in conditioner which will keep your hair smooth and make it manageable.

3. Which Is The Best Haircare Oil For Winter Hair Care?

Nourishing your scalp with oil should be an essential element of your hair care routine in the winter. Even though you can pick from a multitude of hair oils available in the market, many experts believe in going back to the basics. 

Olive oil keeps the scalp moisturised and provides nourishment to the hair follicles. The idea is simple, just do it once a week. 

In a bowl, warm up sufficient olive oil to coat your hair and scalp. Again, ensure it isn’t too hot for the scalp. Slowly massage the oil first on your scalp, parting by parting. Sit in front of the mirror if need be, but don’t miss out on any part of the scalp. 

This slow massage will enable the oil to go deep into the roots of your hair and improve blood circulation. Oiling your hair in this manner is also known to reduce hair fall. Once you are done with the scalp, use the oil to coat your hair with it. Keep it on overnight, and wash off in the morning with a nourishing shampoo. If you can’t keep it overnight, leave it on for at least two hours before washing it off.

In case you can’t lay your hands on olive oil for any reason, you can use either coconut or sesame seed oil. For the perfect winter hair care, don’t step out in the sun after oiling your hair. The heat from the sum will have an adverse effect on the oiled strands and the dry weather will harden the hair fibres. Ideally, just stay indoors until you shower and rinse it off.

4. Winter Hair Care Tip Through Deep Conditioning

Deep conditioning is a must during winter. It is helpful all through the year, but in winters it makes a world of difference to the quality of your hair.

Use a thick, creamy deep conditioner, and beware—no shortcuts in the process. It is the entire process that nourishes the hair fibres, keeps them moisturised, and soft to touch. 

You will also notice that during the winter, you need a richer, stronger conditioner, one that worked well in the summer might not work as well now. Deep condition at least once a week, try and do it after oiling your hair with olive oil, it will offer better results. You don’t need to go to the salon to do it, you can do it at home. Keep a towel, a large shower cap, and a bucket of hot water handy. Shampoo your hair in the usual manner and apply the deep conditioner on your hair. Dip the towel in the water, wring it, and cover your hair with it. Cover the towel with the shower cap and keep it on until you can feel the heat in it. Repeat the process at least twice, and then rinse off the conditioner. If you skip the steaming step, the result will be quite limp. Steaming will enable your hair to absorb the conditioner much better.

5. Use a leave-in conditioner regularly this winter to detangle knots.

While deep conditioning will improve the quality of your hair in the long run, for immediate effect, use a leave-in conditioner in the winter to keep your hair smooth. It ensures that your hair stays hydrated and locks in the natural moisture of your hair. It can make a massive difference in the quality of your hair if you suffer from dry or damaged hair. 

You can choose from the different forms—from liquids to creams and sprays, and you can leave it on your hair until the next wash, without worrying that it will be harmful. In the cold months, the hair tends to become unruly and dry, and a leave-in conditioner can help to detangle the hair. You have to apply it on damp hair and untangle the knots so you can style your hair.

6. Winter Hair Care Tip To Avoid Dry Hair

During the winter months, taking care of your hair also means not to expose it to too much heat from tools such as the hair dryers, tongs, straightening irons and curlers. These will dry out the hair further and make it brittle, to the point that your hair fall will increase. 

In the winter, it is advisable to dry your hair naturally, and not go out immediately after a hair wash. Walking outdoors with wet hair will cause the hair to become stiff and hard. Control the damage by towel drying it as much as you can first, and then letting your hair dry before you leave the house. If you have to use styling tools on occasion, ensure that you use a protective heat resistant cream before using the tool. 

You can also invest in a good heat defence spray or leave-in conditioner for such occasions, which you can use before and after the styling tool. Basically ensure that you arm yourself with the correct products so as to cause minimum harm to your hair strands.
