home organization – Inovatestory https://inovatestory.com Make Your Day Fri, 24 Jan 2025 03:11:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://inovatestory.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/cropped-Black-Vintage-Emblem-Tree-Logo-1-32x32.png home organization – Inovatestory https://inovatestory.com 32 32 231211893 8 Garden Fence Ideas That Will Complement Any Landscape https://inovatestory.com/8-garden-fence-ideas-that-will-complement-any-landscape/ Tue, 12 Dec 2023 08:46:01 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=64404 8 Garden Fence Ideas That Will Complement Any Landscape

1. Wicker

8 Garden Fence Ideas That Will Complement Any Landscape

Fence materials vary, and most wicker fences like this one are constructed of bent willow. Although such profusion would be out of place with simplistic modern homes, it pairs well with more traditional styles.

2. Metal

Reminiscent of Mediterranean balconies or of the wrought-iron fences once used to secure the perimeter of estates, elegant decorative metal fencing goes especially well with stucco houses of Moorish or Spanish design.

3. Wood Edging

8 Garden Fence Ideas That Will Complement Any Landscape

Half-log edging gives off a country vibe reminiscent of rail fences and corrals. If you like the idea of wood, you also can use money-saving old pallets to construct garden beds and barriers.

4. White Vinyl

If you subscribe to the American dream of a white picket fence, but don’t like the work involved with maintaining a wooden one, you might want to opt for a vinyl garden fence instead.

5. Climbing Plants

8 Garden Fence Ideas That Will Complement Any Landscape

Although the design and composition of this fence is hard to make out behind its veil of roses, it illustrates an excellent garden fence idea—horizontal bars that act as a kind of “laid-on-its-side” trellis. On it, you can train climbing or vining plants such as roses, clematis, honeysuckle, and others to grow laterally rather than upward, perhaps almost concealing the original fence but making a living one of their own.

6. Rustic Rope

With a look somewhat similar to that of the cable type of guardrails, this fence’s style depends quite a bit on the type of materials from which it is constructed. Weathered wood and rope, for example, could suit it to casual rural settings while metal stakes accompanied by cables probably would make it more appropriate for a modern industrial type of architecture. In the latter case, mass plantings of the same shrub or flower would fit the simplistic style better than many different varieties.

7. Living

Neatly sheared living fences, such as the boxwood hedges shown here, are highly popular in the formal gardens associated with mansions or British manors. In formal gardens, simplicity is key, and masses of the same type of plant rather than a mix of many can give a simple but formal feel. Since tall hedges tend to hide all but the stateliest flowers that stand behind them, you may want to make yours short or keep your beds in front of rather than behind those hedges. Or use this hedge as a living fence to separate a front yard or border the sidewalk or driveway.

8. Chew-Proof

Some garden fences offer more function than aesthetics. Netting is strictly utilitarian and designed to keep wild animals—especially deer—out of your vegetable garden. Keep in mind that, to be successful, that netting will need to stand at least 6 feet tall for deer and probably won’t be strong enough to keep rabbits and groundhogs from chewing through it. Although desperate gardeners sometimes use it for flower beds, it isn’t especially pretty, but doesn’t mar the landscape as much as chicken wire can.

Our social channel: Eva & Beauty

SEE MORE: DIY and Decoration
The 11 Best Places in Your Home to Try Out Trendy Paint Colors https://inovatestory.com/the-11-best-places-in-your-home-to-try-out-trendy-paint-colors/ Fri, 08 Dec 2023 07:33:50 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=64224 The 11 Best Places in Your Home to Try Out Trendy Paint Colors

Knowing how to play with trending colors can be difficult if you don’t have enough wall space or even too much. While you don’t want to repaint your home every time a new color is trending, there are many areas where you can play with color, helping you to use a greater variety of shades in your home.

When you love the latest paint colors but you’re unsure how they’ll look in your home, test them out in some creative places before overhauling an entire room.

1. Petite wood furniture

The 11 Best Places in Your Home to Try Out Trendy Paint Colors
The 11 Best Places in Your Home to Try Out Trendy Paint Colors

While we aren’t saying to rush off and paint over your prized mahogany credenza, if you have some second-hand furniture or spot a wooden nightstand or chair that’s worse for wear at the thrift store, know that you can breathe new life into it with a fresh coat of paint.

Some pieces that will work well for this are nightstands, accent tables, outdoor furniture, wooden chairs, or vintage crates.

2. A Hidden Accent Wall

Painting one wall in a room is not a groundbreaking style choice. Consider moving the accent wall somewhere unexpected, such as the back wall of a pantry. This oft-neglected area of the home could use a makeover, and how great would it look having a bold color, like a brilliant aqua, in an otherwise muted space?

3. Inside your kitchen drawers

The 11 Best Places in Your Home to Try Out Trendy Paint Colors

Painting the interior of your kitchen drawers is a genius way to add color to your kitchen and a whimsical surprise whenever you reach for your go-to spatula.

4. Knock, Knock

The 11 Best Places in Your Home to Try Out Trendy Paint Colors

Whether you want to offer more curbside appeal or warm up a room, painting your front door a vibrant color sure makes a statement. There’s an added benefit beyond style with a bold color choice. A signature color makes it easy for you to give directions to visitors; just tell them you live at the house with the orange door—it stands out much more than plain address numbers.

5. Bookshelves

The 11 Best Places in Your Home to Try Out Trendy Paint Colors

Books are like works of art themselves, so choose a paint color that helps to showcase them. You can even paint the backing in contrasting colors, allowing you to play with even more trendy colors.

6. Another Take on an Accent Wall

If you’re stuck between keeping your familiar color scheme but want an accent wall, it can be hard to reconcile the two looks. For indecisive folks, we have a way to test out an accent wall or geometric paint pattern temporarily. Pick a small wall in your home and instead of painting the wall directly, add removable wallpaper and paint over that instead.

7. Bathroom cabinets

The 11 Best Places in Your Home to Try Out Trendy Paint Colors

While you may immediately reach for a neutral like black, grey, or brown, consider choosing a poppy color like teal, tangerine, or peach. If you have a fun shower curtain with a design you love, choose one of the accent colors from it to create a cohesive bathroom.

8. Step by Step

There are plenty of unexpected places to experiment with color in a home. One area to consider is the front of the stairs—providing you have flat, non-carpeted stairs that you don’t mind transforming. If you select a color that blends elegantly with the rest of the room, this can look sensational. The right color choice is key, so it may be worth painting some squares of canvas to get an idea of how it will look before painting the stairs directly.

9. Fireplaces

Have a fireplace that doesn’t hold all the old-world charm you want it to? Give it a beautiful upgrade with your favorite trending paint color. Mantels are a fantastic display opportunity and a place to gather around, so you want to give them a little love. Whether it’s covered in brick, out-of-date stone, regular plaster, or drywall, you can paint it. Just be sure to ask the paint consultant at your local hardware store for the appropriate primer, preparation materials, paint type, and tools.

10. Areas of Natural Light

There are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to painting around your home. If you have a window box or ledge that’s visually lacking, pick a paint color that will really pop since these small areas don’t usually get enough attention. For a dramatic change, opt for a deep gray or black darker. If that’s too much change for you, keeping it light and airy with a softer color is a classic choice that’s always in style.

11. It’s Worth Framing

The 11 Best Places in Your Home to Try Out Trendy Paint Colors

Over the years you may have amassed a collection of framed photos. Some frames age poorly, but rather than replacing them, turn it into a small crafting project. Paint all your outdated frames the same color, or use two or three colors and create a photo wall in your home. This looks amazing for a wall going up the stairs or stand-alone frames on a side table.

Our social channel: Eva & Beauty

SEE MORE: DIY and Decoration
Easy way for Mosquito-Proof Your Life: Say Goodbye to DEET and Calamine Lotion! https://inovatestory.com/easy-way-for-mosquito-proof-your-life-say-goodbye-to-deet-and-calamine-lotion/ Fri, 03 Nov 2023 10:00:12 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=62159 Mosquitoes, the tiny, blood-thirsty buzzkills that can turn a peaceful evening into an itchy nightmare. We’ve all been there, desperately searching for a way to escape their relentless attacks.

Mosquitoes are attracted to various factors, and understanding what makes you a target can help you take measures to reduce your attractiveness to them. Here are some details about what mosquitoes are most attracted to:

Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Mosquitoes are highly attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale when we breathe. They use CO2 as a primary cue to locate potential hosts. So, when you’re breathing, you’re essentially sending out an invitation to mosquitoes.

Body Heat: Mosquitoes are also drawn to body heat. Warmer bodies indicate the presence of a potential host. This is why they are often more active during warm summer evenings when people are outdoors.

Scent: Mosquitoes have a keen sense of smell and can detect scents from a considerable distance. Certain scents, such as those produced by perfumes, scented lotions, and even sweat, can attract mosquitoes. Floral or fruity scents can be particularly appealing to them.

Dark Clothing: Dark-colored clothing, especially black and navy, can absorb and retain heat, making you more visible to mosquitoes. Light-colored and loose-fitting clothing is less likely to attract them.

Easy way for Mosquito-Proof Your Life

Lactic Acid: When we exercise or become active, we produce lactic acid, which is another attractant for mosquitoes. This is why physical activity can increase your risk of getting bitten.

Blood Type: Research suggests that mosquitoes may be more attracted to certain blood types. People with Type O blood may be more prone to mosquito bites compared to those with Type A or Type B blood.

Skin Microbes: The specific microbes and bacteria on your skin can influence your attractiveness to mosquitoes. Some skin bacteria produce scents that are more attractive to these insects.

Pregnancy: Pregnant women tend to exhale more carbon dioxide and have slightly higher body temperatures, making them more attractive to mosquitoes.

Alcohol Consumption: Consuming alcohol can increase your body temperature and cause your blood vessels to dilate, making you more appealing to mosquitoes.

Genetics: Your genetic makeup may also play a role in how attractive you are to mosquitoes. Some people are naturally more prone to mosquito bites due to their genetics.

It’s important to note that not all mosquitoes are equally attracted to these factors, and there is some variation among mosquito species. Additionally, individual preferences can vary. To reduce your attractiveness to mosquitoes…

But before you resort to DEET or calamine lotion, let us introduce you to some easy, all-natural solutions that will have you enjoying mosquito-free bliss.

1. Citronella Magic:

Lemongrass essential oil placed on a wooden table.

Citronella is your new best friend in the fight against mosquitoes. Whether in the form of candles or essential oils, its pleasant scent not only keeps these pests at bay but also adds a delightful ambiance to your outdoor gatherings.

2. Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Power:

This essential oil packs a double punch – it repels mosquitoes and has a refreshing, lemony scent. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil, apply it to exposed skin, and watch the mosquitoes stay away.

3. A Garlic Barrier:

Yes, garlic may ward off more than just vampires! Consuming garlic regularly can make your body emit a subtle scent that mosquitoes find repulsive. A natural deterrent from the inside out.

4. Mosquito-Repelling Plants:

Keep pots of lavender, basil, or marigolds on your patio or in your garden. These plants naturally repel mosquitoes, and they look lovely as well.

5. Wear Light-Colored Clothing:

Mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors. Opt for light-colored clothing to keep them from landing on you in the first place.

6. Cooling Peppermint Spray:

Combine peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle. The cooling sensation will relieve itchy bites, and the scent will keep mosquitoes away.

7. DIY Mosquito Traps:

Create your own mosquito trap by filling a container with a mixture of water, sugar, and yeast. The carbon dioxide produced will attract mosquitoes, and they’ll get trapped in the solution.

8. Mosquito Nets for Bedtime:

For a peaceful night’s sleep, invest in a mosquito net. It’s a classic and effective way to keep the bloodsuckers at bay.

How to Treat Itchy Bites

Itchy mosquito bites can be quite annoying, but there are several methods you can use to treat the itch and discomfort. Here are some ideas for treating itchy bites:

Wash the Area: Start by washing the bitten area with mild soap and water to remove any potential irritants and reduce the risk of infection.

Keep the Area Clean and Dry: To prevent infection, keep the bite clean and dry. Avoid excessive moisture, as it can prolong the healing process.

Aloe Vera: Aloe vera gel has soothing properties that can alleviate itching and reduce inflammation. Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel to the bite.

Honey: Honey has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. A thin layer of honey applied to the bite can help reduce itching and promote healing.

Tea Bags: Apply a used and cooled tea bag (black or green tea) to the bite. The tannins in tea can help relieve itching and reduce inflammation.

Cold Compress: Apply a cold compress to the bite for 10-15 minutes. This can help reduce inflammation and temporarily relieve itching.

Anti-itch Creams or Lotions: Over-the-counter anti-itch creams or lotions containing ingredients like hydrocortisone, calamine, or pramoxine can provide relief from itching. Follow the product’s instructions for application.

Oatmeal Bath: Soaking in an oatmeal bath or applying an oatmeal paste to the bite can provide relief. Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties and can soothe the skin.

Essential Oils: Some essential oils, such as lavender, tea tree, and chamomile, can help relieve itching. Dilute a few drops of essential oil in a carrier oil and apply it to the bite, but be cautious, as essential oils can be potent and may cause skin irritation if not properly diluted.

Baking Soda Paste: Mix a small amount of baking soda with water to create a paste. Apply it to the bite, leave it on for a few minutes, and then rinse it off. Baking soda can help reduce itching.

Easy way for Mosquito-Proof Your Life

If the itching persists, becomes severe, or if you experience an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite (which can include symptoms like swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing), it’s important to seek medical attention. In some cases, a healthcare professional may recommend prescription-strength treatments.

No more need for harsh chemicals or sticky lotions! These easy and effective methods will help you reclaim your outdoor and indoor spaces, free from mosquito nuisances.

Try them out, and let us know which one works best for you!


9 Surprising Uses of Rubber Bands Around Your Home https://inovatestory.com/9-surprising-uses-of-rubber-bands-around-your-home/ Mon, 02 May 2022 17:07:30 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=58256 While surreptitiously shooting rubber bands across the room at your spouse might be fun and entertaining for a while, there are a lot of other, more practical things that you can do with these ubiquitous stretchy ovals. Here are just a few handy household uses for rubber bands.

Ditch The Drips

Photo: fotosearch.com

Try stretching a large rubber band around a paint can from top to bottom, so that it stretches across the middle of the open top. Use the rubber band as a paintbrush scraper so that excess paint drips back into the can, instead of leaving a mess along the outside of the can.

Wax Creative

Photo: fotosearch.com

Do your dinner parties end with you scraping candle wax from the tablecloth? Never again! Protect your table from candle drips by wrapping a large rubber band around the base of the candle. The band catches drips before they hit the table. Bonus: You can use a rubber band to keep a candle from wobbling in the candle holder.

Grip ‘N’ Go

Photo: fotosearch.com

If you have a mop, broom, rake, or shovel with a broken grip, use several wide rubber bands to create a comfortable and secure new handle. Simply wrap them around the end of the pole as far down as you normally hold the handle. Now, wave goodbye to blisters!

A Screw Loose

Photo: instructables.com

Stripped screws are no joy but you can work around them if you know what you’re doing. To remove stripped screws, place a rubber band flat across the top of the screw head. Then, push a screwdriver over the rubber band, letting the rubber fill in the indentations in the screw head. Slowly and carefully turn your screwdriver counter-clockwise to remove the screw. You may need to reposition the rubber band several times if the screwdriver breaks through the rubber.

Faux Finish

Photo: fotosearch.com

Patterned paint rollers and stampers may be all the rage—but who needs them! By wrapping several rubber bands around an ordinary paint roller, you can create striking faux finishes of your own design. When you roll the paint onto the wall, a textured pattern remains, courtesy of the rubber bands.

Open Wide

Photo: fotosearch.com

If that pickle jar resists your best efforts to open it, wrap a wide rubber band around the lid and twist. The rubber band makes a great non-slip gripper to make opening jars a snap.

Control Curious Kids

Photo: fotosearch.com

Childproofing the home is important with little ones running around—but attaching gadgets and gizmos to every surface of the house can really add up. Here’s one affordable idea to keep in your back pocket: Tie rubber bands around kitchen cabinets knobs to create an effective toddler lock. Simply stretch thick rubber bands tightly between the cabinet knobs to lock them in place, and rest easy while the young one explores.

Cord Corral

Photo: fotosearch.com

Bring some order to the cord chaos behind your desk, entertainment center, or anywhere electrical cords get tangled. Wrap excess lengths of cord in rubber bands to keep them neat and tidy. Extra points if you color-code each rubber band to help you identify which cord belongs to which appliance.

At A Glance

Need a little extra paint for a quick DIY project? This simple trick will help you determine which leftover paint can can do the job simply by scanning the shelf. When you’re done with your next paint job, mark the “full” line with a rubber band. Well, now aren’t you the organizing pro?

21 smart tips to make your home bigger and brighter https://inovatestory.com/21-smart-tips-to-make-your-home-bigger-and-brighter/ Wed, 27 Apr 2022 00:55:57 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=57231 Some spaces feel tinier and more constricted than they have to, whether due to poorly placed windows or a lack of square footage. Luckily, short of knocking down walls, there are a few tricks you can use to make spaces light, bright, and airy with minimal tim.

1. Clean the Windows


This may seem like an obvious solution, but it’s one that’s often overlooked: Cleaning the windows can make a noticeable improvement in the brightness of a room. To get your windows sparkling, you can make a simple cleaner by mixing one part white vinegar with two parts water in a spray bottle.

2. Use Mirrors Strategically

Position mirrors opposite windows to reflect more light around the house. If your walls are spacious, you can add an eclectic touch by assembling a gallery wall using mirrors of various sizes. Another smart trick: Place a mirror strategically at the end of a cramped hallway to make the corridor seem more spacious.

3. Rearrange Furniture

If your furniture is obstructing any of the light streaming in through the windows, rearrange the layout so the sun can really shine in.

4. Streamline Your Shelves

It may be tempting to pack your built-ins full of books and decorative objects, but be sure to leave a little empty space on the shelves. Too much clutter on display makes it look like your home is starved for storage space.

5. Cut Back on Clutter

In smaller rooms, scale back on bulky decor, tchotchkes, and other unnecessary items. Either get rid of them or move them to larger rooms with more natural light.

6. Hang Sheer Window Treatments

Ditch heavy window treatments in favor of lighter ones. Choose sheers, if possible, which will let in the most light while still

7. Cut Back Foliage

Look out your windows. If there are low-hanging tree branches  preventing light from coming in, trim them back to restore your view of the outdoors. As well, whenever you change up the landscaping around the exterior of your home, consider what the new plantings will look like when they’re fully grown, not just what they look like at the nursery.

8. Choose the Right Fabrics

Heavy fabrics like wool, velvet, and fur have a big presence and can make a room feel overdecorated. Lighter picks, such as cotton, linen, and lace, draw less attention to themselves, which can help a small room feel more open and bright.

9. Hang Curtains Strategically

When you install a curtain rod, make sure it extends beyond either side of the window casing. Not only will the bigger window, but when the curtains are open they won’t block the glass or the incoming light. Likewise, mounting the curtain rod several inches above the top of a window will make it look taller.

10. Use Natural Materials

Furniture, upholstery, and decorative accents made of natural materials can help a room feel open and airy, provided they’re not too dark and heavy. Focus on lighter colors like those found in jute rugs and blond woods, and add more trees.

11. Swap Out Doors

Replace solid doors with French doors in rooms that don’t require complete privacy. The transparent glass panels will make a room feel more spacious, as will installing transoms over doors.

12. Lighten Up Floors

Dark colors on floors, walls, and ceilings can make a room feel smaller and more closed off. While it’s easy to paint the walls, changing out dark floors is an expensive proposition. For a quick fix at a fraction of the cost of replacing the floor or carpet tiles over a darker floor to set a brighter color palette for the space.

13. Layer Your Lighting

Use multiple light sources in each room so no matter how much or how little natural light is coming in from the outside, you can always add a little more. Start with a primary light source for example, overhead lighting then mix in secondary sources, such as accent lamps or task lighting.

14. Scale Down Furniture

If you can, swap out heavy furniture for pieces with slimmer profiles. Opt for sofas with exposed legs and  glass, and acrylic to make a space feel roomier.

15. Check Light Bulb Labels

Light bulbs are now required to have a lighting facts label on the packaging. It looks much like the nutritional facts label you see on packaged food at the grocery store, and it tells you how bright the bulb is (measured in lumens) and whether the light appears more warm or cool (measured on the Kelvin temperature scale). Cool light makes a room look whiter and brighter and is a good choice for a small bathroom or kitchen.

16. Use Dimmer Switches

Put primary light sources on dimmer switches so you can brighten up a room as the light changes throughout the day.

17. Don’t Forget Utility Spaces

Utility spaces like or closets are easy to neglect, but these are often the places that feel the most cramped. Use solutions like undercabinet lighting or spotlights to illuminate every nook and cranny.

18. Be a Minimalist on the Walls

A cluster of gallery-style artwork may not be the best choice for a narrow space. Choose a few pieces of art and make sure there’s plenty of space around each one to make the walls feel more expansive.

19. Raise the Ceiling Height

Make standard ceilings feel higher by incorporating vertical lines into your room design. Line drawing aren’t your only option—adding beadboard or board-and-batten wainscoting will draw the eye up just as well.

20. Carve Out Hidden Storage Space

Tuck nonessentials out of sight with dual-purpose pieces like storage ottomans or benches. Less visual clutter on shelves and other surfaces translates into an airier interior.

21. Use Paint to Your Advantage

Nothing will brighten up a room as quickly as painting it in a light, neutral color palette. Make your bold statements with pops of brighter colors for furnishings and accessories.

22. Happy Home

What are you waiting for? Give a few of these tricks a try to transform a dark, small room into a light and spacious place.

Basic Steps to Stack a Washer and Dryer Properly https://inovatestory.com/basic-steps-to-stack-a-washer-and-dryer-properly/ Tue, 26 Apr 2022 15:22:11 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=56952 Consider stacking your washer and dryer if you have a small laundry room or want to maximize your area footage. However, there are a few things you should know before stacking them.

Do not attempt to stack a washer and dryer without a stacking kit, even if both appliances are stackable. The dryer may not stay in place if you don’t have the right gear, posing a serious safety risk. Stacking kits allow you to stack a stackable dryer on top of a stackable washer safely.

With a stacking kit, you can save space and streamline your laundry room by stacking your washer and dryer.


Prior to attempting to stack your washer and dryer, it is important to confirm that both models are able to be stacked. In order to stack a washer and dryer, both units must have a front-loading design.

Additionally, it is generally recommended only to use a stacked washer and dryer set from the same manufacturer. This will help ensure compatibility and stability.

STEP 1: Prepare the location for your stacked washer and dryer.

Before stacking your washer and dryer, get the space ready for the machines and make sure the layout is functional. First, measure to confirm that the washer and dryer will fit once stacked. Make sure that there will be enough space between the wall and the units to vent the dryer and to open the doors and use the washer and dryer.

Aim to leave at least 1 inch of space on each side of the appliances, and at least 6 inches of space behind the units to allow enough room for the dryer to vent. Also, measure to ensure the doors will have sufficient room to open fully and check that you’ll be able to comfortably reach the dryer door and interior as well.

Once you’re sure of the location and logistics, disconnect your washer and dryer from their outlets, supply line, and vent.

STEP 2: Replace the default dryer feet with the stacking kit hardware.

A stacking kit for stacked washer dryer combos includes special hardware to replace the existing feet on the dryer. This step is relatively straightforward and typically only requires a Phillips head screwdriver. However, keep in mind that dryers can be heavy and cumbersome to move by yourself. You may want to enlist the help of a friend or family member when tipping the dryer over to replace the feet.

Before removing the dryer feet, place cardboard on the floor to help prevent your dryer from getting damaged. Then lay the dryer on its side on the cardboard. Remove the feet that came with the dryer, and follow the directions included in the stacking kit for placing the stacking support guides in place. Save the old feet from the dryer in case you ever decide that you no longer want to keep your washer and dryer stacked together.

STEP 3: Adjust the washing machine feet to ensure the appliance is level.

Next, place the washing machine in the space you want it, leaving enough room behind it to reconnect everything once the setup is complete. You will need to confirm that the washing machine is perfectly level before placing the dryer on top of it.

A level can help you with this task. If the machine is not level, use an adjustable wrench to adjust the feet. If you need to shorten one or more of the legs, you can rotate the wrench clockwise. To extend the length of a leg, rotate the wrench counterclockwise.

STEP 4: With help, lift the dryer on top of the washer.

Now you are ready to stack the two units. When stacking a washer and dryer, remember the dryer must always go on top because it is the lighter of the two appliances.

However, a dryer is still quite heavy. Find a helper to assist you in lifting the dryer onto the washer. Once the dryer is up on the washer, position it correctly. The front of the washer and dryer should be flush with one another, and the rear side of the dryer should be slightly farther back than the rear of the washer.

STEP 5: Secure the appliances with stacking kit brackets and clips.

The stacking kit should include brackets and clips to keep the washer and dryer securely in place. The clips are placed on each side of the dryer’s base. Then, the brackets will hook over the clips to keep the dryer from moving off the washer.

The components of each stacking kit may vary, so be sure to closely follow the manufacturer’s directions when attaching the clips and brackets to your units. In most cases, you should only need a Phillips head screwdriver for this step.

STEP 6: Reconnect the power, water, and vent.

Finally, hook up your gas or electric stackable washer and dryer to the outlets, water, and vent. Follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions to ensure that this step is completed properly.

Once your units are reconnected, shift them to their final position. It is always a good idea to run a test wash and dry cycle to ensure that both machines are stable and operate properly. Run a small load of laundry and stay close by to monitor the machines for any leaking or excessive shaking.

Final Thoughts

Stackable washers and dryers can help free up considerable space in a laundry room or even help you create a (nearly) invisible laundry room. Learning how to stack a washer and dryer with a stacking kit will help you achieve these goals and ensure that your units remain stable and safe to use. Remember: If you plan to stack your washer and dryer, it is imperative to confirm that your units are compatible and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

7 Furniture Layout Mistakes That Most Homeowners Make https://inovatestory.com/7-furniture-layout-mistakes-that-most-homeowners-make/ Fri, 22 Apr 2022 17:36:59 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=56159 You start with an empty room and then fill it with your possessions. Is the final product welcoming and delightful, or does anything feel off? Even if you have a beautiful home and excellent furnishings, difficult arranging might detract from the overall effect.

Everything in Its Place

Zillow Digs home in New Canaan. CT

You begin with an empty room, then you fill it with your belongings. Does the end result welcome and delight you, or does something seem not quite right? You may own an enviable house and lovely furnishings, but the whole thing can be undermined by awkward arranging. If your living spaces aren’t all they could be, perhaps you’re committing one of these common furniture faux pas. Read on, and mend your ways!

Putting Backs Against the Wall

Don’t turn your sofas and chairs into wallflowers at the dance. Coax furniture away from walls toward the center of the sitting area, even just a few inches, and you’ll banish that stilted feeling, creating a sense of generous space and intimacy.

Neglecting Secondary Lighting

Design by Clifton Interiors

If you’re relying solely on overhead fixtures, you’re dooming family and friends to a harsh lighting limbo in the evenings—forced to sit either in the dark or under less-than-flattering lights. Instead, outfit each sitting area with standing or table lamps. They’ll add focus to your arrangement and facilitate several options for mood lighting. Plus, their pools of warm light will designate nooks for reading and other tasks.

Creating an Obstacle Course

Zillow Digs home in Emerald Hills, CA

Avoid those indoor roadblocks caused by positioning a piece of furniture directly in the flow of foot traffic. Think carefully about how people walk through each space, and then place furnishings so they don’t force your guests to navigate sharp turns.


Design by Clean Design; photography by Donna Dotan Photography

Don’t let your home suffer from the furniture-store syndrome. If Grandma’s pair of wing chairs is making your den look crowded, you might consider using them elsewhere rather than straining to squeeze every stick of furniture into that space. Edit your rooms, and you’ll truly be able to appreciate the beauty of each piece.

Losing Your Balance

Design by Mosaik Design & Remodeling; photography by Lincoln Barbour Photography

When a homeowner falls in love with a slender little night table and sets it alongside a tall, heavy wooden bed, that’s letting scale get out of whack. Keep it all in balance by grouping items of similar scale together—moving that skinny table next to a leggy seat and floor lamp, perhaps—and your rooms will look more polished.

Opting for Cool Over Comfortable

Yes, that set of super-sleek metal dining chairs offers loads of style, but you’ll still be sad when your dinner party breaks up before you’ve served dessert. Treat your guests—and yourself—right by choosing furnishings that offer both a fabulous look and a comfy perch. After all, you want to feel like you can sit and stay awhile. Similarly, don’t let your living room get so minimalist chic that there’s nowhere to kick up your feet or put down a glass.

Being Square

When every piece is perfectly aligned on a grid, a home can feel stiff and overly formal. To break out of the boxiness, place armchairs so they face the sofa at a 45-degree angle, or try shifting your dining table to a diagonal. Slanted lines keep the eye moving and add a sense of openness to a space.

15 Inexpensive Ways to Make A Big Difference in Your House https://inovatestory.com/15-inexpensive-ways-to-make-a-big-difference-in-your-house/ Fri, 22 Apr 2022 16:51:04 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=56097 Cut a Rug

This fetching floor piece offers an artful reimagining of a Moroccan Kasbah rug at a fraction of the cost. Trace cardboard cutout shapes in Sharpie on a plain rug to create a knock-off rug that will knock your socks off.

Wine and Design


Give your empty walls and wine bottles a bubbly, new personality with a bulletin board comprising wine corks glued into a shadow box. Personalize the board with lists and reminders to put a cork in forgetfulness.

Draw the Eye

Etsy via HouseofKraftsShop

To enliven a one-note dresser with your multifaceted character, opt for buffet drawers with mix-and-match knobs. A combination of cast-iron drawer pulls and decorative brass knobs create an eclectic storage solution.

Modern Medicine


Help an ordinary medicine cupboard adopt a more hospitable posture by lining it with contact paper and adding some chalkboard paint. Acrylic organizers lend additional charm and cure clutter.

Magnetic Personality


You reap what you don’t sew—in the case of these no-sew blinds. These no-fuss window dressings are designed to let in natural light in no time. Fold the top edge of your favorite fabric and glue magnets into the fold to display these positively magnetic shades that can be installed and removed from a metal door, all without any hardware at all.

Blue Ribbon Idea


Ribbon trim can transform ordinary storage into an extraordinary focal point in a room. Weave or tack down colorful ribbons around the edges of bookcases, wire shelves, or pantry racks for design that succeeds with flying colors.

Clear Vision


If a limited budget and dimensions have closed the door on your interior design dreams, open up a new possibility with mirrored closet doors. Using mirror adhesive, adorn the faces of the doors with full-length mirrors that reflect elegance from top to bottom.

Pillowcase Closed


Skip the sewing machine and reach for the fabric glue to make these easy no-sew pillows. Stuff the cases with inserts for pillows that are fit to perfection—no tailoring required!

Dye Job


Dip-dying can upgrade a plain, ceramic garden pot into a cheerful home for your container garden. Dip pots halfway into a bowl of tie-dye and water before drying it and nurturing your indoor plant in style.

Light Work


This dip-dyed lampshade casts a friendly glow while evoking the grandeur of the Northern Lights. Moisten the bottom rim of a cloth lampshade before dipping it into Tulip dye. The dye will travel up along the fibers to create this stunning effect.

Wishy-Washi Walls


If these walls could talk, they might share the secret to their success: washi tape, a paper tape that can embellish barren walls at a bargain price. Make the walls and your eyes pop with a crisscross pattern fashioned from washi tape.

Living on the Edge


These no-sew pillowcases use stitch witchery, a hemming adhesive, and rickrack, a braided trimming, to add that certain something. Sandwich the rickrack into the stitch witchery and iron it onto the pillowcase for statement-making, scalloped-edge cushions.

Raise the Bar

These color-dipped stools will become your go-to bar buddy. To make your own, tape off bargain wooden stools in an attractive pattern and spray paint them to achieve a basic dip-dyed look, stripes, or gradients. Remove the tape and sit back to admire your work.

A Leg Up


This hairpin-leg desk comes together simply with sandpaper, a stained wooden board, and steel hairpin rods that form the table legs. Adjustable leveling feet on the hairpin rods make them hardwood floor-friendly.

Surge of Creativity

For a custom-look washer/dryer set to match a laundry room makeover, there’s nothing so easy and affordable as electrical tape. Adhere the tape in stripes, squares, or a crisscross pattern to create an electric atmosphere.

How to Soundproof a Home: Cheap & Easy DIYs You Should Try https://inovatestory.com/how-to-soundproof-a-home-cheap-easy-diys-you-should-try/ Fri, 22 Apr 2022 16:20:52 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=56014 Follow this three-step process: Reduce noise transmission from the outside, reduce noise in your home, and utilize sound-absorbing materials to mitigate the consequences of any noise you do make. To improve the peace and quiet in your house, try these simple soundproofing techniques.

Decorate with Curtains and Rugs


Heavy drapes are great at stopping noise transmission from the outside. Upholstered furniture, area rugs, and wall-hung quilts are viable options too. Carpets, cork flooring, and acoustical ceilings also help with sound absorption in large open areas.

Add Insulation and Drywall

Diamond Drywall

Insulation is essential in turning down the volume of daily living, and a layer or two of drywall will substantially reduce sound transmission.

Try Sound-Dampening Underlays

Sound-dampening underlays can limit noise transmission from the floor. The dense sheets are rolled over the entire floor, underneath the top layer of flooring, and taped along the seams. There are sound-dampening underlays for just about every floor type, so be sure to choose the correct one.

Weatherstrip Windows

Windows and doors tend to be the weakest link in your sound defense. Weatherstrip all points where sashes meet jambs, headers, and sills. In addition, fill any tiny gaps around moldings with an acoustical caulk sealant.

Install Solid-Core Doors


Solid-core doors offer better insulation from sound than hollow-core doors. A well-fit solid door will significantly reduce sound transmission, but it will not completely wipe it out. To complete the job, seal all the gaps around the door at jambs, header, and sill.

Apply Duct Wrap

Plumbing can cause a considerable amount of noise in your home. While the sound of water running through pipes is unavoidable, you can cut the noise in half with just a little insulation. Similarly, duct wrap will tone down the whoosh of air rushing through ducts.

Adopt a Shoes-Off Policy

aprilscraftnest.blog spot.com

There’s nothing more irritating than the sound of hard-soled shoes clacking against hardwood floors in the middle of the night. Remove your shoes at the front door and keep a supply of slippers by the entryway for friends and family.

Opt for a Quiet Dishwasher

Before buying appliances and outdoor power equipment, check out the sound rating—measured in decibels, or dB for short. A quiet dishwasher might have a rating of 45 dB, while a dishwasher with a dB rating of 55 would be about twice as loud.

Use Sound Reduction Pads

Put rubber pads under countertop appliances to add a cushioning layer between the motor-driven machine and the hard surface, cutting down on noise. The same can be done for other household appliances, from air-conditioning units to washing machines. There are many options, including rubber, neoprene, and cork sound-reduction pads.

Fix Squeaky Floors

Squeaky floors can be a noisy irritant. For a long-term solution, tighten up the floor to prevent floorboards and treads from rubbing against other boards and creaking. You could also try installing an isolated floor over the existing floor.

Switch to a DC-Powered Garage Door Opener

Automatic garage doors can generate a staggering amount of noise. Direct-drive openers with a direct-current motor have fewer moving parts, and the DC technology allows soft starts and stops, all of which contribute to a quieter opening system.

Home Improvement Projects That Your Neighbors Will Hate https://inovatestory.com/home-improvement-projects-that-your-neighbors-will-hate/ Tue, 19 Apr 2022 22:44:02 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=55092 Neighborly Advice

Improving your home is exciting. Whether they’re minor or substantial, indoors or out, property upgrades can change the look and feel of your living space. For homeowners who take on such projects, the promise of a new kitchen or fenced-in yard makes all the noise, mess, and aggravation worthwhile. Your neighbors, on the other hand, have nothing good to look forward to but the potential inconvenience of not being able to enjoy their own home and neighborhood as much as they might until your project is complete.

Your finished project, too, might be an unwelcome change for your neighbors. A new view for you may block others’ natural light, and a bold new siding color may be an eyesore for the rest of your block. Before you take on new home improvement projects, learn about the nine that your neighbors will likely despise.

Lingering Projects

One of the most annoying home improvement projects is the one that lingers on…and on. When a home becomes an ongoing construction site complete with a chain-link construction fence, portable toilet, Dumpster, and torn-up landscaping, curb appeal for the entire neighborhood goes out the window. Be mindful of how long your project will take because if it lingers on for too long, neighbors are bound to complain.

Extra Lighting

It sounds like a good idea to install exterior security lighting around your home, but even that can cause trouble with neighbors. Be mindful of where you place motion-activated dawn-to-dusk lights. Though they may face away from where you sleep, they may light up the neighbor’s bedroom like a Christmas tree.

Bright Exterior Colors

Unless your home is in a tropical setting like Florida or the Caribbean, it’s probably a good idea to avoid painting the exterior a bright color. Just because there’s no homeowners association (HOA) that says all homes on your block must be beige doesn’t mean a bright pink or peacock-blue hue will be well received by the neighborhood. If you want to make an update that involves a gaudy color, paint an eye-popping accent wall inside the home.

Noisy, Congested Construction

It’s nearly impossible to build an addition or undergo a major renovation without making noise or a mess: Noise that begins too early in the morning, along with construction trucks that block neighbors’ access to the road, will leave you on the receiving end of dirty looks and snarky remarks. Instead, bend over backward to keep the peace in the neighborhood. Work with the contractor to limit noise and traffic congestion, taking note of when traffic on the street is busiest. Be sure, too, to confirm local ordinances about the hours during which your crew can and cannot delight neighbors with the not-so-sweet sound of a power saw.

Additions That Take Away Their Sweeping Vistas

You’ve always wanted a second-story balcony on which to enjoy sunlight, fresh air, and better views. Before you begin construction, be sure your intended addition does not take these desired attributes away from your neighbor’s home. Instead, consult with a contractor about whether it’s possible to make your dreams come true without blocking the neighbor’s view.

A Too-Tall Fence

A fence allows for privacy, but if the one you install is sky-high compared to the neighbors’, you could be in for a fight. Not only will a too-tall fence look odd next to a properly sized one, it could also block sunlight and view the neighbors once enjoyed. In the same vein, if the fence materials you use clash with those the neighbors have, you could be in for some pushback. The two fence styles don’t have to be identical, but they should be aesthetically complimentary.

Front-Yard Recreation

“Business in the front, party in the back” is a saying that is as true of homes as it is for mullet hairstyles: The front of the home is all about curb appeal and presenting an attractive complement to neighbors’ yards. When a pool, skate ramp, trampoline or gazebo is set up in the front yard, it interrupts the minimalist, manicured yards the rest of your neighbors have worked hard to cultivate (the screams of “Marco Polo!” from the pool won’t make you any friends on the block, either). If you must erect a recreational eyesore on your property, at least do it somewhere the neighbors don’t have to look at it.

Tree Removal

While the neighbors will probably applaud you have dead or dying trees taken down, hacking down thriving trees could leave neighbors in a tizzy. This is particularly true if you want to remove a centuries-old beauty, or if the tree provides the adjoining property with desired shade or privacy. Before revving up the chainsaws, be sure to consult with your neighbor, especially if the tree straddles the property line.

An Extensive Irrigation System

Your landscaping will look greener and brighter than everyone else’s, but at what cost? An extensive irrigation system is great for keeping plants and grass on your property watered, but if the system is loud, runs early in the morning and late at night, or soaks the home or driveway next door, you might be in for an unpleasant neighborly exchange
