lie – Inovatestory Make Your Day Mon, 22 Jan 2024 03:17:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 lie – Inovatestory 32 32 231211893 10 The Worst Lies Men Ever Told Women Mon, 22 Jan 2024 03:17:01 +0000 10 The Worst Lies Men Ever Told Women

“He said he was single.”

A common, yet heartbreaking lie. Discovering a partner is already in a relationship can shatter trust.

“He lied about his age.”

Age might just be a number, but honesty about it is crucial in forming a genuine connection.

“He said he wasn’t addicted.”

Substance abuse is a serious issue, and lying about it can lead to a destructive path for both partners.

“He told me he had a job.”

Financial stability is important, and lying about employment can be a red flag.

“He said he had never been in trouble with the law.”

A criminal past can be a deal-breaker for many.

“He pretended to share my interests.”

Feigning interest in hobbies or beliefs can be a tactic to win someone over.

“He told me he was divorced.”

Being misled about marital status is a profound betrayal.

“He lied about his health status.”

Honesty about health, especially concerning transmittable diseases, is non-negotiable.

“He said he wasn’t seeing anyone else.”

Exclusivity is a key aspect of many relationships, and dishonesty here can be devastating.

“He claimed he had no children.”

Lies about having children can complicate relationships significantly.

The impact of lies in relationships can be deep and damaging. These resources offer support and guidance for those who have experienced deceit and are seeking ways to heal and move forward.

Little Johnny always has a big lie explaining why he is late for school Thu, 09 Nov 2023 09:11:36 +0000 Little Johnny always has a big lie explaining why he is late for school

Little Johnny is constantly late for school and what’s worse is that he always has a big lie explaining why.

The teacher tells the principal that she has had it with his exaggerations.

The principal tells her to send Johnny to him the next time he shows up late. He will tell Johnny a lie so big that he will never tell another one. Ever.

The next day, Johnny shows up two hours late.

Johnny says, “I was two hours early today so I had time to fish in the pond on my way to school. I caught a 17-pound trout and had to take it home. If I didn’t clean it and freeze it, my mom would’ve been angry. That’s why I’m so late”.

The teacher promptly takes him to the principal’s office and explains the story to the principal.

The principal tells Johnny about his own trip to school that day.

He says, “I was walking to school through the park on the trail today when I heard something behind me. I turned around and was shocked to see a giant grizzly bear behind me. He was 24 feet tall and had 6-inch fangs. He was going to eat me, Johnny! Just then a little dog ran out from the bushes, jumped up and attacked the bear. The little dog killed the bear and then ate the whole bear right there in front of me. What do you think of that, Johnny?”

Johnny replies, “Oh yeah, that’s my dog Sparky. That’s his third bear this week.”

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