safety – Inovatestory Make Your Day Mon, 06 Nov 2023 09:48:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 safety – Inovatestory 32 32 231211893 Safety At Home: 10 Emergencies Every Homeowner Should Know How to Handle Mon, 06 Nov 2023 09:48:09 +0000 It’s a law of nature and of home-owning: whatever can go wrong, eventually will. With a bit of preparedness and forethought, though, damage from household mishaps needn’t be disastrous. There are 10 Emergencies Every Homeowner Should Know How to Handle.

Safety At Home: 10 Emergencies Every Homeowner Should Know How to Handle

1. Roof Damage

Safety At Home: 10 Emergencies Every Homeowner Should Know How to Handle

For patching a roof battered by storm damage, tarps nailed down with wood strips are the quickest and easiest fix. Just be sure to let any weather pass and take all precautions before climbing up—or even better, call a professional to do it for you, then arrange for more permanent patch-ups to happen as quickly as possible.

2. Gas Leak

Safety At Home: 10 Emergencies Every Homeowner Should Know How to Handle

If your carbon monoxide detector sounds or you simply detect a gas odor, evacuate the house immediately. Once you’ve relocated to a safe location, call the gas company’s 24-hour helpline and ask them to send a technician to check your home for leaks.

3. Burst Pipe

Safety At Home: 10 Emergencies Every Homeowner Should Know How to Handle

Whether it’s a broken radiator or a rusted-out drain outflow, a burst pipe can cause a lot of trouble in a short period of time. If water is gushing, close the valve closest to the link first, then shut off the main water valve into the house. Once you’ve turned off the main water supply, reopen the smaller valve and slowly drain any remaining water into buckets.

4. Black Out

Safety At Home: 10 Emergencies Every Homeowner Should Know How to Handle

During a power outage, the safest course is to disconnect all appliances and electronics. That way, you’ll avoid damage from power surges when the juice returns to your home. Take great care using candles for illumination, exercising proper fire safety, and be sure to stock up on batteries and flashlights.

5. Basement Flood

Before you charge into a flooded basement to rescue your belongings, be safe. Turn off the circuit breaker to the house (or, if you can’t reach the circuit box, call your utility and ask them to do it for you). Wear thick waterproof boots and gloves to protect against toxic elements in the floodwater.

6. Furnace Malfunction

Safety At Home: 10 Emergencies Every Homeowner Should Know How to Handle

Somehow, the furnace always seems to give out on the first frigid evening of the year—and Murphy’s law states it will happen on a Saturday night when the repairman charges double his usual rate.

7. Kitchen Fire

Safety At Home: 10 Emergencies Every Homeowner Should Know How to Handle

First, don’t panic. Keep a box of baking soda in a handy spot for dousing flare-ups in a toaster or stovetop pan. Avoid tossing water on the blaze, and don’t try to smother the flames with a dishtowel or anything that could catch fire. The better course of action is to use a pot lid to extinguish the flames. If it’s an oven fire, don’t open the door—close the oven and the fire should extinguish itself. Although some fire extinguishers are rated to extinguish grease fires, those handheld firefighters can spread flames rather than extinguish them when used improperly. Educate yourself on the types of extinguishers and how to use them so you’re always ready in case of a disaster.

8. Animal Invasion

Safety At Home: 10 Emergencies Every Homeowner Should Know How to Handle

When backyard wildlife finds their way indoors, they can wreak havoc in a home. If a wild animal gets into your house, keep it contained in one area. Open a window, close all the doors, and it should find its way out. If it doesn’t, call animal control.

9. Flush Fail

Obviously, a plunger is your first line of defense for a clogged commode. If you’ve cleared the clog but flushing troubles persist, open the tank and investigate. The handle may have gotten disconnected, or part of the flush mechanism may need to be replaced.

10. Locked Out

Safety At Home: 10 Emergencies Every Homeowner Should Know How to Handle

Getting locked out of the house is a little embarrassing, and, if you have to call a locksmith, can be mightily expensive, too. Keeping a hidden key poses security risks. So remove your extra key from inside the hide-a-key garden stone or from under the back porch doormat, and consider leaving it with a trusted friend or neighbor instead.

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Safety at Home: 10 Common Safety Hazards Around the House And How To Handle Them Wed, 01 Nov 2023 02:15:48 +0000 Many of these accidents are preventable and dealing with a serious accident that could have been avoided can lead to a lifetime of guilt.

We have put together this quick guide to alert you to the hazards in your home so that you can keep your family as safe as possible.

There are many potential safety hazards around the house that can cause injuries or even death. Some of the most common ones are:

1. Slips and falls

These can happen due to wet floors, loose rugs, clutter, poor lighting, or uneven stairs. To prevent them, you should keep the floors dry and clean, secure the rugs with non-slip pads, remove any tripping hazards, install adequate lighting, and repair any damaged steps or railings.

2. Fires

These can be caused by faulty wiring, unattended candles, cooking accidents, or flammable materials. To prevent them, you should check your electrical outlets and cords regularly, never leave candles or stoves unattended, keep a fire extinguisher and smoke alarms in your home, and avoid storing flammable liquids near heat sources.

3. Carbon monoxide poisoning

This can occur when carbon monoxide, a colorless and odorless gas, builds up in your home due to malfunctioning appliances, blocked vents, or improper use of generators. To prevent it, you should install carbon monoxide detectors in your home, have your appliances serviced regularly, and never use generators indoors or near windows.

4. Drowning

This can happen in bathtubs, pools, hot tubs, or buckets of water. To prevent it, you should never leave children or seniors alone near water, use safety covers and fences for pools and hot tubs, and empty any containers of water after use.

5. Poisoning

This can happen when children or pets ingest household chemicals, medications, plants, or other toxic substances. To prevent it, you should store these items in locked cabinets or out of reach, label them clearly, and dispose of them properly. You should also have the poison control center number handy in case of an emergency.

6. Cuts and burns

These can happen when using knives, scissors, razors, or other sharp objects. They can also happen when touching hot surfaces, such as stoves, ovens, irons, or curling irons. To prevent them, you should use these items with care and supervision, keep them away from children and pets, and turn them off when not in use. You should also have a first-aid kit in your home to treat minor injuries.

7. Choking

This can happen when swallowing small objects, such as toys, coins, buttons, or bones. It can also happen when eating too fast or not chewing well. To prevent it, you should keep small objects out of reach of children and pets, cut food into small pieces for young children, and avoid talking or laughing while eating. You should also learn how to perform the Heimlich maneuver in case someone chokes.

8. Electrocution

This can happen when touching exposed wires, damaged outlets, or wet appliances. It can also happen when using electrical devices near water sources. To prevent it, you should cover any exposed wires with electrical tape or insulation, replace any damaged outlets or cords with new ones, and keep electrical devices away from water sources. You should also avoid overloading outlets or extension cords.

9. Falling objects

This can happen when heavy or unstable items fall from shelves, cabinets, closets, or furniture. It can also happen when items are thrown or dropped accidentally. To prevent it, you should secure any heavy or unstable items with brackets or anchors to the wall or floor. You should also avoid stacking items too high or placing them too close to the edge. You should also be careful when handling items above your head.

10. Animal bites

This can happen when interacting with pets or wild animals. It can also happen when encountering insects or spiders that bite or sting. To prevent it, you should train your pets to behave well and keep them vaccinated and groomed. You should also avoid approaching or feeding wild animals that may carry diseases or parasites. You should also wear protective clothing and repellent when outdoors and check for ticks after returning home.

These are some of the top safety hazards around the house and how to handle them. By following these tips, you can make your home a safer place for yourself and your loved ones.

We hope you found this quick guide useful and that you and your family stay safe at home.😊

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