summer – Inovatestory Make Your Day Sat, 21 Aug 2021 22:46:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 summer – Inovatestory 32 32 231211893 10 Plants Really Repel Mosquitoes! Sat, 21 Aug 2021 22:46:12 +0000 By Michelle Ullman

Outsmart biting bugs while bringing new beauty to your garden with these superhero plant species.

Establish a natural defense against mosquito bites

The joys of warm weather are many: splashing in the swimming pool, entertaining outdoors, sitting on your patio while watching the sunset. Unfortunately, mosquitoes are out to spoil your fun—and then some. According to Climate Central, the number of mosquito “disease danger days” is increasing across much of the country as temperatures rise, representing a greater risk for transmission of mosquito-borne diseases.

Battling these bugs is such big business, with numerous sprays, bracelets, candles, bug zappers, and chemical repellents on the market, lots of folks may not realize there are quite a few plants that deter mosquitoes, too. In your quest for an itch- and illness-free summer, try cultivating some of the following 10 plants around your yard and near your favorite outdoor seating areas.


Rosemary does it all: adds pretty purple flowers to your garden, is a versatile herb in the kitchen, and discourages mosquitoes with its potent fragrance. Grown as an annual in all but the most mild-winter areas, rosemary thrives in full sun as long as you plant it in sandy soil that drains quickly, and you only water it when the soil dries out.


Nepetalactone, the chemical in catnip leaves that attracts felines, has the opposite effect on mosquitoes. In fact, studies have shown that nepetalactone is a more effective mosquito repellant than the commercial chemical DEET. As a bonus, catnip puts up pretty spikes of white or purple flowers from spring until fall. Plant, a perennial bound to return year after year, does best in full sun; allow soil dry out slightly between waterings.

Scented Geraniums

While most varieties of the pelargonium family are grown for their colorful flowers, scented geraniums are valued primarily for the pleasant fragrances of their leaves. There are many varieties of this annual, but lemon, lime, orange, and peppermint geraniums are most effective at repelling mosquitoes. Grow them in a sunny spot, let the soil go dry before watering, and don’t bother fertilizing because scented geraniums do best in somewhat poor soil.


You’re probably familiar with citronella candles, but might not realize that their strong fragrance, which is very objectionable to mosquitoes, is extracted from the leaves of the citronella plant, also called mosquito plant. Citronella has a grassy appearance, is fairly drought resistant, and likes afternoon shade and rich, fast-draining soil. It’s generally considered an annual because it won’t come back after frosty weather.


While most humans love the relaxation-inducing aroma of lavender, mosquitoes shun this beautiful purple-bloomed perennial. There are several varieties of lavender, but all prefer full sun, somewhat dry soil, and periodic deadheading to promote even more blooms.

Lemon Balm

Related to mint, lemon balm has a citrusy smell that mosquitoes abhor. Its leaves, allowed to dry, can be brewed into a wonderfully lemon-tasting herb tea that helps induce sleep. Grow lemon balm in a partially shaded spot, and keep soil moist but not soggy for the best growth.


The many varieties of marigold, those cheerful yellow, gold, white, or orange summer blooms, all tell mosquitoes to bug off. They’re quite easy to grow, and do especially well in containers, when planted in a sunny spot. Let the soil dry out slightly before watering, and clip away spent flowers to encourage more flowers all the way through fall.


Not for pesto only, basil is a powerful natural mosquito repellant. All of the many varieties of this warm-weather herb discourage mosquitoes from lingering, so choose your favorites and plant them in a sunny spot. Keep the soil moist, feed monthly with an all-purpose fertilizer, and pinch away any flower buds that develop, as once basil flowers, it stops producing new leaves.


Like most members of the mint family, peppermint’s fragrance is a natural mosquito turnoff. This versatile perennial herb has many culinary uses: dry the leaves for tea, drop a few fresh leaves into lemonade or cocktails, shred leaves for Asian dishes and salads, or give fruit salad extra punch with a few chopped leaves. Peppermint can be invasive, so corral it in a container, set it in a partially shaded spot, and water regularly so soil won’t dry out.



8 Handy Hints To Upgrade Your Cleaning Routine For Summer Tue, 10 Aug 2021 23:28:41 +0000 Are you feeling stuck in a cleaning rut? The change in seasons is a perfect excuse to try something new during your housekeeping routine. From harnessing the weather to improving your home’s sustainability, here’s a shortlist of new things to try with your cleaning routine this summer.

Switch to reusable tools, in the name of sustainability

If you’ve been thinking about trading your disposables for reusable tools, like sponge cloths or a microfiber towel, this is your sign. They will work exactly the same as your favorite paper towels but are an eco-friendly and sustainable alternative. I like to buy a few microfiber towels and keep a small bin in the laundry room to toss the dirty clothes in until wash day.

Save your lint, and make a fire starter

Instead of throwing dryer lint in the trash next time you do laundry, keep it. According to the cleaning blog One Goode Thing by Jillee, lint catches fire easily and is a cheap and quick way to start a fire. Simply stuff the fuzz in a toilet paper roll or tissue paper box, and it’s ready to light. Let the summer campfires commence!

Try a cleaning concentrate

Simplify your collection of cleaning products by switching to a cleaning concentrate. For example, the Laundress All-Purpose Cleaning Concentrate can do the job of your bathroom, floor, and kitchen cleaner.

Or make your own cleaner

You will most likely be able to go this with items you already have. White vinegar and dish soap make for an effective bathroom cleaner; and water, white vinegar, and rubbing alcohol combined work to leave your glass and windows crystal clear.

Clean something unexpected, like your diffuser

Have you ever thought about cleaning your essential oil diffuser? Me either. But for as much as it gets used, cleaning your diffuser is a must. To give it a proper clean, Clean Mama suggests taking the diffuser apart and wiping out the water tank interior with a damp microfiber or soft cotton cloth. Then use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol to gently wipe the plate found at the bottom of the diffuser. Finally, wipe the outside of the diffuser with a damp cloth.

Air-dry and sun-bleach your clothes

Take advantage of the weather and harness the power of the sun by letting your clothes air dry instead of using the dryer. Not only will your clothes have that fresh, outdoor smell, but you can also save a little electricity by not using the dyer on during the hot summer days. For your whites, leaving your clothes outside to sun bleach is also a natural alternative to bleach and other detergents.

Change up your schedule

If you’re a weekend cleaner, try doing little at a time over the course of the week. Or if you like to clean throughout the week, block out a few hours on the weekend. Upgrade the experience by putting on music, a podcast, or audiobook. Open the windows (if it’s not too hot), and get into the cleaning zone!

Do a room reset

Remember what your living room looked liked when your first moved in? (Weird to think about, right?) While decorations aren’t usually associated with clutter, they can contribute to a room feeling untidy. Try a room reset in any space you feel needs revamping by grabbing a box, clearing decor and objects from surfaces, and let the room breathe.

Camping Tips Should Help You Beat The Summer Heat Sun, 08 Aug 2021 01:18:46 +0000 A camping trip that coincides with a heatwave doesn’t have to be a miserable experience, though. Packing a few key items and following a few simple strategies should help you beat the heat while you sleep under the stars.

1. Sleep Off the Ground

Photo: Getty Images

The more air can circulate around your body, the cooler you’ll be overnight. Lying in a sleeping bag or on a mat on the ground isn’t ideal in hot weather. Sleeping on a thin camping cot or even in a woven hammock should leave you minimally sweaty by morning.

2. Bring Giant Ice Cubes

Photo: Getty Images

Standard ice cubes will keep your cooler cold for a day. By day two, all your stuff is warm, including your drinking water, and everything is waterlogged. Next time, freeze plastic bottles or gallon jugs of water. (Let a little water out first so the plastic doesn’t explode when the water expands.) Use frozen bottles in place of ice cubes in your cooler. They’ll melt slowly and create cool drinking water for you as they do.

3. Set Up a Sunshade

Photo: Getty Images

If the sun beats down on your tent all day long, climbing in at night is like climbing into a hothouse. In the morning, the sun’s rays may wake you long before you want to rise. Keeping the sun from baking your tent is as easy as setting up a sunshade. Buy one from a camping retailer or DIY a sunshade by using ropes to tie a tarp between two trees.

4. Live in Light Colors

Photo: Getty Images

Before leaving home, scan all the clothing you’ve packed for your hot-weather camping trip. The best items are lightweight, breathable fabrics that stand away from the body and are light shades, like white, pastels and pale gray. Darker fabrics will absorb heat and keep you hot all day.

5. Plan No-Cook Meals

Photo: Getty Images

When the forecast calls for scorching weather, you can anticipate that you probably won’t want to be anywhere close to a campfire until it cools off after dark. Pack s’mores supplies and maybe some hot dogs to toast for an evening campfire snack but focus on cold foods for daytime meals. Sandwiches and salads are the way to go in a heatwave.

6. Dismantle the Tent During the Day

Photo: Getty Images

A sunshade can help keep it cool, but a tent may still be uncomfortably hot at the end of a steamy day. Consider taking down the tent and stashing it someplace shady during the day. Depending on how easy it is to put up your tent, the effort that this requires may be worthwhile if it means having somewhere cool to sleep.

7. Bring an Inflatable Kiddie Pool

Photo: Getty Images

What feels better to hot, aching feet than a soak in cold water? It’s enough to cool down your entire body. If you’ll have access to water at your campsite, pack a small, inflatable kiddie pool to fill with just a few inches of water at the end of the day. Put just your feet in or if you get really desperate, climb in and splash your entire body.

8. Pack Portable Fans

Photo: Getty Images

The invention of battery-operated fans is one of the best things that ever happened to camp enthusiasts. On a hot night, opening your tent’s ventilation flaps may not be enough to get air moving through your space. Portable fans will do the trick. The type that is designed for camping even attaches to hooks so you can hang them overhead at night.

9. Shift Your Schedule

Photo: Getty Images

Are you normally not a morning person? A sticky summer camping trip is the perfect time to become one. Rising with the sun allows you to enjoy hiking, biking, cooking, and other activities that would be too hot to attempt once the sun is high in the sky. Relax or swim in the hottest part of the day and resume more strenuous activities in the late afternoon. You’ll be ready to crash by evening.

10. Cool Your Head Before Bed

Photo: Getty Images

After a long, hot day, lowering your body temperature before bed should help you sleep comfortably. Even if you’re traveling light and can’t carry portable fans or a kiddie pool to your campsite, you can probably find space in your pack for a few clean washcloths. Soak them in cool water and hold one on your forehead and one on the back of your neck. Chilling the skin should help you feel cooler all over.

10 Easy Tricks That Can Help You Get Through This Hot Summer Wed, 04 Aug 2021 22:04:28 +0000 The heat can be a real challenge for those that don’t have an air conditioner. Fortunately, there are other ways of dealing with hot weather.

In this post, we’re going to share 10 easy tricks with you to help you get through this hot summer. Check out them right now!

1. Use “cold” curtains

How we perceive temperature is important. In cities with a hot climate, it’s better to use light and cold colors that create an illusion of cool air in a space.

Of course, not everyone is brave enough to change their curtains what it is really hot, but it’s actually worth it.

2. Use water to cool the place down

In summer, water is your best friend. To avoid getting overheated, put a container of water and ice in front of a fan. So, the cool water that evaporates will spread around the entire place.

If you don’t have a fan, you can put the water container on the windowsill and the hot air from the street will cool down.

3. Freeze your pillow

In summer, it’s hard for us to get a good night’s sleep. To make sleeping more comfortable, put your pillowcase in a bag and let it cool down in the freezer.

4. Avoid physical activity

Photo: Bright Side

When it’s really hot, our bodies want to rest and do nothing. Don’t beat yourself up about that: the body works really hard in the summer.

Studies show that when it’s really hot, we spend a lot of energy on cooling ourselves down and maintaining our temperature. So, it’s better to pause all physical activity until it becomes comfortable again.

5. Don’t drink soda or eat ice cream

Few people know that ice cream doesn’t cool us down, it actually warms us up. Its cooling effect is very short and it’s compensated by the body producing heat when it digests high-calorie food.

The same is true for soda: it also dehydrates us.

6. Put a frozen bottle in your bed

It might be easier to fall asleep if you put a cold bottle of water in your bed before going to sleep.

The same idea helps when you’re awake: put a bag of frozen rice on the back of your head and it will make you feel so much better on a hot day.

7. Get rid of textiles

Photo: Bright Side

On hot days, it’s better to get rid of thick fabrics, decorative pillows, carpets, and comforters. It’s believed that dark fabrics attract heat and it’s better to buy bed sheets that are made of light and organic materials.

8. Being somewhere with thick curtains

Photo: Bright Side

Even though it’s better to replace textiles with lighter fabrics, this is not true for curtains. They should be as thick as possible. On a hot day, it’s better to keep the windows closed, but don’t forget about air circulation.

9. Humidify the air

You can buy an air humidifier or simply use a spray bottle.

You can also wash the floor but don’t do it too often because when it’s too humid, it’s harder.

10. Buy house plants

House plants help reduce the temperature inside the home, and they clear and moisturize the air. Ficus Benjamina, Aglaonema, and palm trees are the best choices for this.

18 Highly Cool Hacks That’ll Make Your Summer Even Better Tue, 03 Aug 2021 23:42:20 +0000 Barbecues, days spent by the pool, and weekend jaunts to the beach are all a little easier when you have a few tricks up your sleeve. Make the most of your summertime fun with these 18 creative and useful summertime hacks!

1. Remove Sand With Baby Powder

Did you know that baby powder makes it really easy to get sand off your skin? Carry a small bottle of baby powder with you to the beach this summer. It’ll help everyone get sand-free before they climb back into the car.

2. Keep Mosquitos Away

Before your next outdoor cookout, buy a couple of extra limes. Slice each lime in half, and press a few whole cloves into the flesh. Place the clove-studded limes around your food table to help keep mosquitos at bay!

3. Keep Mosquitos Away

Another natural way to repel mosquitos is to use citronella candles! You can find them in stores and online, but you can also make your own easily. They’re inexpensive to make, and smell lovely too!

4. Make Your Own Fire Starters

Need a cheap, quick, and easy way to start a campfire? Use dryer lint! It catches quickly and you’ll have a roaring fire in no time.

5. Flip Your Hamburger

When you’re eating burgers this summer, try eating them upside-down instead. The top of a hamburger bun is usually a bit thicker than the bottom part, so it will hold up better to all those toppings and sauces. No more struggling with crumbling burger buns!

6. Be The Hostess With The Mostess

We love dining outdoors during the summertime, especially when friends or family are visiting. I have a few clever hacks that I like to use to make my summertime entertaining easy and stress-free! You can get all my best summertime entertaining hacks at the link below.

7. Make Some Sunscreen

Get the scoop on SPF from my blog post all about sunscreen by following the link below. You’ll learn what ingredients to look for, what to avoid, and even how to make a homemade sunscreen with zinc oxide!

8. Protect Your Phone

Protect your phone from water, sunscreen, and all manner of other hazards by keeping a small ziplock bag with you. That way, whenever you find yourself in an environment that’s probably not great for phones, you’ll have something to keep it safe. (And don’t worry, you can still use the touchscreen when it’s in the bag!)

9. Fold Bags Into Bowls

You can turn a bag of chips into a simple serving bowl with no extra materials needed! Push the bottom of the bag into itself, moving the chips towards the top as you go. Then fold the top of the bag down to give the top a nice, clean finish. Tada! A simple solution that won’t dirty another dish.

10. Grill Without The Mess

Grilling outdoors is a summertime tradition, but it’s also a pretty messy affair! You can keep the mess to a minimum by using a grill and oven mat like this one. You can place them in the bottom of a gas grill to catch drips or use them right on top of your grill grates on any type of grill. Just toss the mat in the dishwasher to clean it.

11. Hide Valuables In Plain Sight

There’s a simple way to know that your valuables won’t get swiped at the beach or pool… hide them in a diaper! Just place your valuables inside a clean diaper, then roll it all up and secure it with the tabs. No one wants to look too closely at a rolled-up diaper, so you can rest assured that your valuables will stay hidden in plain sight!

12. Camp Like A Pro

Going on a camping trip this summer? There are plenty of brilliant tips and tricks that can make it a great experience for everyone! Check out the link below to learn great hacks for meals, camp decor, activities, battling bugs, and more!

13. Shoot Stunning Sparkler Photos

Still, have sparklers leftover from your Independence Day activities? Now is the perfect time to learn how to snap the perfect sparkler pic. Learn how to master a long exposure that will perfectly capture a message “written” in the air with a sparkler. You’ll be Instagram famous before you know it! 😉

14. Get Smooth Summer Legs

Feeling a little wary about baring your legs this summer? You won’t be after you try my secret method for silky soft legs! Once you see how nice your legs look with a close shave and your softest skin ever, you’ll be ready to rock those shorts, no problem!

15. Freshen Up Musty Beach Towels

We put our beach towels through a lot during the summertime, and they can start to smell a little funky after a while. If your beach towels could use some freshening up, never fear! There’s a simple process that will strip that smell out and get them smelling good as new again. Check it out at the link below!

16. Clean Grill Grates With An Onion

You can clean the grates on your grill with just half an onion and a BBQ fork! Just stick the onion half onto the fork, then rub it along the grates of the grill. It’ll pick up all the gunk without the need for harsh chemical cleaners.

17. Catch Popsicle Drips With A Cupcake Liner

Frozen treats like ice cream and popsicles can melt fast under the hot summer sun! Keep the messy spills and drips contained by threading a cupcake liner or plastic lid onto the stick.

18. Learn The Best Corn-On-The-Cob Hacks

Everyone’s got their own methods for buttering, serving, and eating corn on the cob. It’s one of the trickier summertime staples, but well worth the effort in my opinion. 🙂 I’ve shared all of my best corn on the cob hacks in the post at the links below:

How To Easily Make Your Own Water Blob For This Summer Sat, 10 Jul 2021 17:40:31 +0000 Our kids love being outdoors, and they often find things to do with water. They love all backyard water games from water balloon fights to running through the sprinkler. So, you should start making a water blob for your children. Check out our tutorial to make a water blob within an hour.

What you’ll need

Water blob supplies including plastic, scissors, hose, and duct tape

  • 10’x25′ Plastic Sheeting – I used a 3 Millimeter, but I’ve also seen a 6-millimeter sheeting that you could use.
  • Duct Tape – You can find patterned or colored duct tape to make the water blob stand out more!
  • Scissors
  • Hose & Water
  • Small towel

These supplies are enough to make two water blobs AND they’re reusable to an extent, so you’re getting a lot of value with this DIY. Here’s how to make your water blob:

Step 1. Cut Your Plastic Sheeting to Size

To begin with, cut your plastic sheet to your desired dimensions. Then, fold the sheet in half and then line up along the corners.

Using one folded side means you only have to tape 3 sides, which saves a bit of time.

Step 2. Start Sealing Your Blob

To get started, tape the corners and make sure there is a good seal. Make sure to overlap the corner pieces for extra support.

Then tear off a long strip of the duct tape and lay it underneath the bottom layer of the sheeting. Fold against itself the top layer to create the seal.

Repeat this along the 3 sides, leaving a small gap at one corner for the hose to fit in.

Step 3. Fill Your Blob

Once you have sealed all sides, place the empty blob in the area where you want to play (Once it’s full you won’t be moving it!).

I suggest a VERY flat surface for the blob. My backyard has a slight tilt to it, which made the water blob fill heavier on one side. This weight change eventually made the blob roll over itself and roll down the tilt to the bottom. Surprisingly the duct tape held up super well, even while the blob rolled along and settled a few feet away.

After you’ve picked a good spot, have your little helper turn on the hose for you. If you have older kids this is a great time for them to hold the hose in or push out any air bubbles in the sheeting.

When it is almost full, hold the corner up and turn off the hose. Grab the towel and dry off the corner. Seal the remaining portion off with duct tape. Check for holes and leaks and repair/reseal as needed.

Water Blob Notes and Tips

  • I never had to repair my blog, but as the kids’ heels pull on the sheeting you may need to do some repair work. This is fairly easy to do by wiping off the area and placing a piece of duct tape on it. The more full of water your blob is, the more pressure will be put on the plastic, and the higher the chance of holes or tears.
  • Air pockets are normal. They add a cool bubbly effect to the blob!
  • You can reuse your blob! Just pull back the host entry area you used to fill it up and drain it. Then, drape it over a table, some chairs, or even a fence to dry out a bit. I emptied this one and used it again the next day when the neighbors came over to play. Just note that some mildew might set in eventually if it doesn’t fully dry out.
  • Add flat foam shapes like these to your water blob before taping and watch them move around as you play.
  • Add a sprinkler. If you want to add some water to the outside of the blob, you can turn on a sprinkler for more fun! Just watch out cause it’ll get slippery!

Final Thoughts

This project was very straightforward and easy to make. The water blob was very durable too, which I was originally skeptical about. I was so surprised at how well the duct tape held it all together and how the plastic sheeting never ripped for me!

The kids will love feeling the water as they lay, jump, or slide on the water blob without getting wet.

Altogether I spent $15 for all of the supplies ($10 for the 10′ x 25′ plastic sheeting, $4.50 for duct tape), AND I have enough supplies left over to make another water blob on a different day!

15 Awesome Summer Backyard Ideas On A Budget-Friendly Wed, 30 Jun 2021 16:54:58 +0000 Getting your backyard for summer doesn’t have to be hard or expensive. In fact, there are many things that you can do that will cost very little and will make a massive improvement in your outdoor living spaces. Here are awesome hints for decorating your backyard in the summer.

From planting a small flower garden to sprucing up your outdoor furniture, many of these projects will take you less than a day to complete and some may not cost you anything at all if you have a few basic supplies on hand.

Whether you choose one project or choose them all, we are certain that you will find something that will instantly improve your outdoor décor and give you a great reason to get outside this summer.

1. Put Up Cupcake Lights

Whether you are planning a summer evening get-together or you just want to add a sweet little decorative element to the backyard, these cupcake lights are divine. You just run a string of lights and then cover the lights with cupcake liners.

Note: For outdoors, you’ll need to remove the liners whenever it rains but these are great for outdoor entertaining. You can use different colors and designs or just make them all the same. It’s a sweet way to decorate your outdoors without spending a lot of money.

2. Make A Rainbow Trampoline

You can make your backyard trampoline much prettier (not to mention safer) by cutting pool noodles and inserting them around the edges of the springs. Pool noodles are about a buck each at the Dollar Store and you won’t need very many. Just cut them the length needed to cover the springs and then make a slit on one side to insert it.

If your trampoline has a net, you can also cover areas of that and make it really rainbow-ish. This makes it much safer for little ones who may get hurt on metal springs and it brings a lot of color to your backyard.

3. Add Steel Pipe Garden Edging

This is one of the most unique and least expensive ways to pretty up your flower gardens. It gives you a lot of added planting space as well. You just take old steel pipes and insert them into the ground around your flower bed. Then just fill the inside of the pipe with potting soil and use that to plant smaller flowers or succulents. You can actually paint the pipes first with spray paint if you aren’t a fan of the old, rusty look but either way, this is a beautiful way to frame your garden and add some extra space as well.

4. Paint the Patio

It will cost very little and take very little time to add a bit of color to your patio. If you have a tile patio, you can simply paint a few of the tiles in bright colors, which will instantly add an interesting element. Choose colors that will match your home’s exterior or your patio furniture. This is a great way to bring a bit of the tropics into your backyard for summer and since it’s cheap and easy.

5. Build a Backyard Couch

With just a few cinderblocks, a few pieces of lumber, and some cushions, you can create a beautiful and very comfortable couch for your backyard. You just have to stack the blocks and insert the boards through the holes. You will want to use concrete adhesive to ensure that they don’t fall when someone sits on the couch. Then just add a cushion or two and you have a wonderful couch that is both attractive and cheap to build. It’s also really easy. It should only take an hour or so to complete or longer if you are planning to make the cushions.

6. Build an Outdoor Coffee Table

A metal bucket and lumber will enable you to create a lovely coffee table for your deck or patio and one that has additional storage for things that you don’t want to get wet in the rain. You can find an old galvanized bucket at yard sales, flea markets or thrift stores if you don’t already have one and the lumber is really inexpensive. You can also use any plywood that you already have on hand, which will make this little project cost absolutely nothing. You’ll have to cut the plywood into a circular shape and ensure that you get it the right size. Overall, this project shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours.

7. Build a Living Tee Pee

You can use any number of materials to create a living tee pee and your children will adore playing in them. From bean poles to twigs, there are several things that can make up the base, and then you just have to choose what you want for the cover. If you want to plant beans, this is a great way to give your backyard a little pick me up and grow some fresh veggies at the same time. You can also do this with flowers, which will look beautiful when they are blooming, and give your yard a burst of color along with a playhouse for the kids.

8. Make Chair Planters

Old chairs, flowers, and your backyard spell fun, color, and beautiful outdoor décor. If you have some old wooden chairs that can’t be used any longer (if you don’t you can get them pretty cheap) then you just have to remove the seat and turn those old chairs into beautiful planters. You can paint them different colors if you really want a lot of colors outdoors and then add container plants that will bloom in contrasting colors. The chairs look great in flower beds, on decks and patios, or just sitting in the yard under a tree.

9. Create a Terra Cotta Pot Table

You can create a beautiful side table from a terra cotta pot, a terra cotta tray, and some outdoor paint. The actual size of the table will depend on the size of the pots that you use. If you want a relatively large table, choose a large pot and tray. Once you have this all assembled, which doesn’t really take very long, you can use it for additional storage. Just lift up the top and put whatever you want inside. If you have an old pot and tray on hand, this one won’t cost anything. Even if you have to buy them, it’s still a really inexpensive table that is perfect for the backyard.

10. Make an Old Fashioned Rope Swing

Having a rope swing hanging from a tree in the backyard is a great sight. Your kids will absolutely love swinging on it, too. You don’t need a lot in order to make this swing, either. You need a pine disc cut into a circle which you can find at your local hardware or home improvement store – or you could cut one yourself. Make sure that there is a hole in the center of your disc and then just knot the rope on the bottom and hang the other end over a sturdy branch.

11. Add a Water Blob

No, that’s not a type – you can add a wonderful water blob to your backyard and give your kids hours of fun this summer. A water blog gives the kids somewhere to jump and play without worries of actually being in the water and trust us when we say that they will love this. You can make the blob from the painter’s plastic and if you take an iron to the edges before you add the water, it won’t leak. Just make it the size that you want, fill it with water and then let the fun begin.

12. Diaper Your Hanging Planters

Yep, diaper them. If you have planters hanging from the back porch or deck, they are sure to leak from time to time, leaving you with unsightly wet spots everywhere. A better way, and one that actually helps to keep your plants healthier, is to add a diaper to the planter before adding the plant. The diaper will soak up water, ensuring that there are no leaks. The diaper also holds the water so your plants will not become dry as quickly, which makes them look healthier and more beautiful and ultimately makes your backyard more attractive.

13. Make a DIY Splash Pad for the Kids

There is no better way to cool off in the summer than with a DIY splash pad. Not only does it provide great cooling water for the kids, but it’s also easy and very inexpensive to create. Instead of spending a small fortune buying a splash pad, just make one yourself. You actually just need a large tarp and a sprinkler. Make sure that the tarp is not ripped or torn and if you have a kids’ sprinkler, that may work better than one for the lawn.

14. Make Your Own Passing Game

Whether you have a little football or softball player in your midst, this passing game is a great backyard addition. Not only will it help them with their throwing and tossing, but it also gets them outside for some fresh air. You need a water-resistant tarp with grommets, rope, colored duct tape, a permanent marker, and a ruler to create the game. You can choose to make it a passing game for football or if you prefer softball, make the holes a bit smaller if you want. The kids are sure to enjoy passing and this is a great game for outdoor parties.

15. Make a Noodle Croquet Set

Outdoor games are a must for summer fun but that doesn’t mean that you have to spend a fortune buying them. This life-size croquet set is made from inexpensive pool noodles and is great fun for kids of all ages (even adults). You need to cut the pool noodles in half right down the middle and then again to make two arches from each half. Garden stakes will keep them in place. Then just grab some kick balls and let the fun begin. Kids will adore playing croquet kickball style and it’s great exercise.

Summer Cleaning Checklist: 10 Things You Need To Do Today Fri, 11 Jun 2021 19:41:18 +0000 As we transition to warmer weather, certain household chores will need attention. Check out our summer cleaning checklist to help refresh your home and yard.

1. Air Vents

As the hot weather approaches, your air conditioner will soon be humming along every day. Now is the perfect time to clean any dusty air vents in your home. Use your vacuum’s brush attachment to get rid of dust. For extra grimy vents, unscrew them from the wall or floor, then wash in the sink with hot, soapy water.

2. Clothing Closets

As you put away winter clothes and bring warm-weather clothes out of storage, take this opportunity to clean your closets from top to bottom. Set aside unworn clothing to donate, wipe down dusty walls, and mop the floor.

3. Grill

A grill is getting cleaned by a woman after a barbecue with a sponge.

Summer means grilling season! If you haven’t touched your grill since last year, get it ready for that first rack of juicy ribs with a thorough cleaning. Set the burners on high (with the lid closed) for about 15 minutes to burn off any food or grease. Then, use a grill brush to brush the grates clean. Wipe down the interior and exterior for a shiny finish.

4. Patio

Caucasian Men in His 30s House Patio Water Cleaning Using Pressure Washer.

Most likely you did some patio maintenance with your spring cleaning. But summer is another great time to sweep your deck or patio, spray down dusty furniture and get everything in tiptop shape for evening sessions enjoying the balmy air. To deep-clean a concrete patio, mix 1/2 cup baking soda and one gallon of water for a gentle cleaning solution. (You can add a few drops of dish soap if you have some stubborn stains.)

5. Laundry

Beach towels, sports uniforms, and swimsuits will be in heavy rotation this summer, creating more laundry. Plus sweat, chlorine, grease, and campfire smoke all make for extra smelly clothes! For odor-fighting power, add 1/2 cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle or 1/2 cup of baking soda to the wash cycle.

6. Trash Can

Speaking of smells, hot summer weather tends to make your trash can even stinkier than usual. Take your empty bin outside and scrub it with soap and water, then rinse with the garden hose. Another tip is to soak a cotton ball in essential oil (5-15 drops) and toss it into your trash can before putting in a new liner for a long-lasting fresh scent.

7. Kid Clutter

With kids spending their days at home, there will be plenty of messes to clean up. Minimize this as much as possible by getting rid of toy clutter. Any toys that haven’t been played with for a while can be donated, or host a fun summer yard sale with the kids’ help!

8. Windows

Professional cleaning service. Woman housekeeper cleaning windows.

Time to let the sunshine in! Get your windows sparkling clean with this homemade window cleaning solution. Mix one part of distilled vinegar with 10 parts warm water in a spray bottle. Spray on the solution, then use a lint-free towel to wipe down the window. Use a second clean cloth to dry the window thoroughly.

9. Dust

Dusting is a year-round chore, but it can be an even bigger problem in the summer because most of us have our house sealed up with the air conditioner running—so the dust is trapped inside. Use a microfiber cloth (which is better at trapping dust, then a regular cotton cloth) to wipe down surfaces. Dampen the microfiber cloth with an all-purpose cleaner, then start from the top with door frames and ceiling fan blades, and work your way down to tabletops and baseboards.

10. Refrigerator

Photo of the inside of a refrigerator. A young man with glasses is wiping the surface with a yellow cloth and rubber gloves.

There’s never a bad time to deep-clean your fridge, but we love the idea of getting it spotless and ready for fresh summer produce. Wipe down the trays and drawers with a sponge and soapy water. Any parts that are removable can be scrubbed in the sink.

For particularly sticky messes, try using a magic eraser. When everything is clean, do a final wipe-down with a spray bottle full of diluted vinegar. It will disinfect without adding any harmful chemicals to your food storage area.

The “Disposables” You Should Switch to Reusable Wed, 09 Jun 2021 01:52:53 +0000 Zip-top bags

Plastic baggies are incredibly convenient because they’re easy to tuck in a lunchbox or purse. But after one use, they are fodder for a landfill heap. Using just two a week means throwing out more than 100 baggies—plus the money you spend on them—a year, says Lisa Beres, a building biologist and healthy home expert and author. And sending your kids to school with those bags every day makes the numbers add up even faster. Instead, use a reusable baggie like (re)zip, which are more durable but just as lightweight and compact as a disposable Ziploc.

Check out the Awesome Ziplock Bag Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier 


Americans use an estimated 500 million straws a day—that’s a lot of plastic going into landfills! If you like sipping your beverages through a straw, switch to a reusable glass, metal or bamboo straw, says Jonathan Zaidman, head of regional expansion for The Ecology Center. Even if you stock reusable straws at home, you can’t control restaurants that deliver a straw for every drink and refill, whether you use it or not. But you can ask your server not to leave any when you get your drinks. “It takes a little time to get used to remembering to ask, and oftentimes you ask and the server will still bring you a straw,” says Zaidman, “but we think … taking that first consumer step forward is a beneficial and impactful way to make change.”

Takeout containers

Not only does a meal out cost about twice as much as a home-cooked meal, but those takeout containers take a toll on the environment. Eating at home puts you in charge of ingredients so you can eat healthier, plus you can reduce waste by washing those plates and utensils when you’re done. Beres suggests preparing freezable meals on the weekends if your weeknights get too busy to cook. When you do eat at a fast-casual restaurant, bring your own reusable plate and silverware, says Zaidman. Some restaurants even offer discounts for people who bring in their own takeout containers, he says.

Grocery bags

If you live in an area with a tax on shopping bags, you might already be in the habit of bringing your own reusable sack to the grocery store. But don’t stop there—you can cut more waste by avoiding plastic bags other places, too. Use reusable bag for produce like apples and tomatoes, and bring a tote for retail stores, says Zaidman. If those totes aren’t your thing, feel free to use one that’s more your style. “Maybe you don’t have a tote, but you probably have a backpack or some type of sack,” says Zaidman.

Here are Some Simple Ways Green Living Can Make You Healthier

Paper towels

A 36-pack of microfiber cloths will cost you just a few bucks more than a 12-pack of paper towels, but it will last you way longer. You can wash a microfiber cloth, so you won’t need to replace them after every use. Plus, the fibers won’t leave lint behind, which makes cleaning easier. “It has a positive charge that picks up dust and dirt, which has a negative charge,” explains Beres. “They actually attract the dust and dirt, unlike a paper towel, where you’re just kind of wiping it.” If you can’t let go of your tear-and-use routine, try The Unpaper Towel, a roll of washable cloths that pops right into your paper towel holder.

Coffee filters

“A simple way to be conscious of waste is switching out even just one item in your kitchen,” says Sara Skirboll, shopping and trends expert for RetailMeNot. A drip coffee maker can use a reusable filter instead of disposable paper ones, and even a Keurig doesn’t need a new K-Cup every time. Pick up a reusable K-Cup, and fill it with your favorite coffee, recommends Skirboll.

Coffee cups

Next time you make a coffee stop, bring in your own thermos or mug. Some places, like Starbucks, sell cheap ones in-store that you can bring back to reuse, while others will lend you a mug if you aren’t taking it to go. Sure, you can’t take it to go like a disposable paper cup, but that’s actually a good thing. “There’s nothing wrong with sticking around for five to ten minutes and not always being on the run,” says Zaidman. “You get to take a breather and meet someone new or take in your surroundings.”

Food packaging

You’d be surprised how many items you can buy in bulk. Depending on where you shop, you might be able to find granola, nuts, candy, dry tea, nut butters and even laundry detergent. “You can get nearly anything,” says Zaidman. By filling up your own jars and Tupperware, you’ll save money and reduce waste, he says.

–> Read more: Types of Food Make Your Body Smell Great & Instantly Sexier

Water bottles

About 35 million plastic bottles go to U.S. landfills every year, and they can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade. Beyond the eco-friendly reasons to switch to a reusable water bottle, though, it also saves you money. Most tap water is perfectly safe to drink, and even investing in a filtration system saves cash. You’ll put down about $250 for a particularly good brand like Propur or Berkey, but those brands save money in the long run, especially if you spend that much on disposable bottles, says Beres. Propur and Berkey last longer without replacement filters than a typical Brita and give you even cleaner water. That filtered water will taste even better from a reusable bottle like S’well, says Skirboll. “Not only are you saving money, but you’re saving the environment and keeping your drinks cold for hours,” she says. “It’s a win-win!”

source: tasteofhome














The Summer Life Hacks Everyone Needed Tue, 01 Jun 2021 07:59:22 +0000  

The desire for a cool home during the summer isn’t just for people who live on the 46th floor of some high rise building, because temperature-controlled rooms are essential for everyone, no matter where you live. To help you make the most of those hot summer months while still beating the heat, we’ve come up with the life hacks for a cooler home. These tips and tricks will help you cool down your home as well as your body, so you’re always prepared to handle the heat!

Bedroom Igloo

You’ll Need:

  • fan
  • duvet cover

Here’s How:

Put the fan in front of your bed and let the air blow into the “empty” duvet cover. Now you can relax, read a book, and cool off in your bedroom cave.

Aloe Vera Popsicle

You’ll Need:

  • aloe vera leaf
  • blender
  • glass
  • popsicle stick
  • clothespin

Here’s How:

Blend the gelatinous material inside of the aloe vera leaf, pour the liquid into a glass, and place a popsicle stick in the middle. Use a clothespin to make sure the popsicle stick stays in place and freeze the glass. If you get a sunburn, you can rub the cooling aloe vera popsicle over the affected area.

DIY Air Conditioner

You’ll Need:

USB fan
empty milk or juice carton
hot glue gun
ice cubes
Here’s How:

4.1 Rinse and clean out the carton and cut a hole as big as the USB fan. Place the fan into the hole with the front looking out and glue it to the carton with a hot glue gun.

4.2 Add a few ice cubes to the carton, connect the USB fan to your computer, and your personal air conditioner is good to go.

 Bed Cooler

You’ll Need:

  • hot water bottle
  • ice cubes

Here’s How:

Fill up a hot water bottle with ice cubes instead of hot water and put the cold bottle in your bed. This is a super easy and effective way to lower those high temperatures in bed.


More Ways To Beat The Heat

When it comes to enjoying summertime weather, we’re often divided into two camps. There are those who can’t wait to see the temperatures rise into the 90s, while others break a sweat just at the thought of it. We’re all agreed on one thing though — summer is the time to dress lightly and stick to the shade when the weather gets ferociously hot. Yet sometimes even that’s not enough.

Summer Party Hacks

Summer is at its peak. The days are still long, the evenings are warm, and in general, everyday life moves to the outdoors. To make your time in the summer sun as comfortable as possible, here are 4 genius tips and tricks to help you make the most of it, including water balloon tricks, and a crazy way of eating (or drinking) watermelon that you just have to see. Looks like this summer just got a whole lot better!


Cold Case

Nothing kills a party faster than a shortage of ice-cold drinks. Luckily, it takes mere moments to serve drinks chilled to perfection. Wrap a wet paper towel around a lukewarm bottle of vino, beer, or water, and place the bottle in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the bottle, then just pop the cork or lid to serve up toast-worthy libations—and keep the party going

Cool Drinks Quickly in the Freezer with a Paper Towel

Sun Blocks

Even sun worshippers with a diligent sunscreen routine can get burned. Fortunately, you can have a natural fix waiting right in your fridge. Pour pure aloe vera juice (available at most drugstores) into an ice tray, and then freeze it for an always ready-to-apply salve for sunburns.

Help Sunburns Heal with Aloe Vera Ice Cubes

source: bobvila,
