tiny closet – Inovatestory https://inovatestory.com Make Your Day Sat, 04 Sep 2021 17:44:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://inovatestory.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/cropped-Black-Vintage-Emblem-Tree-Logo-1-32x32.png tiny closet – Inovatestory https://inovatestory.com 32 32 231211893 15 Clever Organization Ideas That Keep Your Closet Tidy Always https://inovatestory.com/15-clever-organization-ideas-that-keep-your-closet-tidy-always/ Sat, 04 Sep 2021 17:44:20 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=14948 No matter how hard we try, our closet seems to hate organization. It becomes a mess eventually and is left as nothing less than a catch-all for everything.

To help you maximize your closet’s footprint and keep it tidy always, we bring to you 15 Clever Closet organization ideas to keep your space neat and tidy!

1. DIY Built-in Closet

via abeautifulmess

Why spend so much on a built-in closet when we can just DIY it! Divide the built-in closet into board shelves and support shelves to create divisions for your belongings. Making these divisions will help you keep the closet organized and it won’t turn into a mess in a few days.

Install painted shelves and boards on the bottom and top of the closet. Use these areas to store shoes, and equip the top shelf with cute bins and store your things. The clothes won’t come in your way now and will peacefully stay in place!

2. Cubbies Closet Organizer

via makingitinthemountains

One of my favorite ideas from the lot! This pretty closet organizer has got an elegant look and will help you keep your space nice and tidy. If you prefer to have compartments to divide your things, the cubbies are perfect for you.

This custom closet organizer is very easy to build and you won’t have to spend much on the materials. Build or buy wooden boxes, place a couple of rods for clothes and other things, and you are done with your quick renovation. This closet would maximize the space and the number of boxes would hardly leave any room for a mess!

3. Cheap and Easy Closet Shelves

via lovelyetc

If you are looking for an easy and fun DIY project for the holidays, try out these cube shelves for a quick closet renovation! This is an amazing DIY for built-in closets and it not only optimizes the space but also helps in keeping all your stuff in the right place.

You would need pine and poplar boards, a nail gun, screws, and bright paint for this one. Make the cubbies according to your space, buy some regular bins from the dollar store and color them. The bins would be ideal for stashing those socks, sweaters, and other seasonal items.

4. Nursery Closet

via jennasuedesign

If organizing my closet was hard, working on my son’s closet was 10 times harder. If you are a parent, I am sure you can relate to me. Kids have tons of stuff and no matter how many times we try to clean it up, it gets messy real fast.

Say goodbye to those woes with this DIY where you are renovating a built-in closet for your kid. From pretty drawers and compartments, create zones for every category like shoes, booties, and so on. You can even add a cute pattern to the closet wall to make it fun!

5. Statement Closet Makeover

via thehomeedit

Having a closet where I can keep my shoe collection without disturbing the garments is a dream come true for me – I have found my solution in this one. If you have a closet like this, it is time to renovate it with some plastic boxes and zinc bars.

You don’t have to spend much, just run to the dollar store and get these white boxes for the shoes, install two zinc bars to hang your casuals, and keep shelves on the extreme right for your formals. You can dedicate an empty wall for this project and trust me, you will not regret it!

6. Closet with Dressers

via handmadeweekly

This closet gives us dreamy movie vibes where the millionaire has everything and a space for everything. This walk-in closet has dressers everywhere to suit your moods and personality. You don’t have to spend a fortune on this one, but you do need some effective planning.

Get 3-drawer and 5-drawer chests from IKEA and DIY them right into your closet with some drilling and power tools. You can fix drawers as per your need and equip them with L compartments for the shoes and miscellaneous stuff. With just some effort, you can build these multi-purpose closets by spending so little!

7. Sunglasses Storage Solution

via glitterandbubbles

Always losing your sunglasses and accessories? We have an efficient organizing hack for you! If you have a huge collection of glasses, you can put them on display, and trust me, they look amazing if organized properly.

Equip your closet door with a statement nail polish rack and use it to store sunglasses and accessories. This would not consume space and you are utilizing the back of the door to the fullest. It’s a win-win situation, you see.

8. Scarf Hanger

via thechroniclesofhome

Whether you admit it or not, there are probably many colorful scarfs shoved in your drawer right now. Don’t let them get overwhelmingly wrinkled, save yourself from the horror of ironing before use, and try out this idea now!

Switch to this easy scarf organization with the help of a towel bar and you are good to go. You will also need a drill, wall anchors, and white paint for this one – you are ready to organize them perfectly inside your closet!

9. DIY Jewelry Storage

via diyinpdx

Get those earrings and bracelets under control with this amazing DIY jewelry organization. Most of us have a huge collection of jewelry and we lack proper storage for them, and that’s the reason why we can never find a matching pair!

Make a stunning earring frame with white wood, glass and put eye hooks in the drilled pilot holes to make those earrings hang. You can also make an earring storage bar with a zinc rod and install the structure on the insides of the door of your closet and you are done! Simple, isn’t it?

10. Store Items by Frequency of Use

Among several good closet organizing hacks and ideas, the best ones are often overlooked due to how obvious they seem. Storing things by how often you use them might be the solution you need to fix your everyday mess! You must have left an air mattress in the center of the linen closet and you barely use it. Similarly, if your middle shelf is occupied with seasonal items, you went wrong there.

Stack items that you hardly use on higher shelves and keep them way back. Fill up the center and front of the closet with frequently used fabric and you won’t have to maneuver inside it every time you look for an item.

11. The Perfect Gifting Closet

You can also call this a crafting closet because it serves both purposes and makes crafting a breeze. We usually have so many craft and gifting supplies that finding everything we need takes longer than making the actual craft.

Take out some time and hit your nearest dollar store to buy these transparent white boxes of different sizes and wired bins. Store items in bins and boxes instead of keeping them loose and the results will surprise you! You can also use this closet to store your seasonal decor items, I know they’re important!

12. Hacks for a Small Closet

Organization is step one of achieving a neat and tidy home, and if you have a small closet space, it becomes the most important thing to take care of. You need some genius hacks and tricks to expand your closet space and fit them all.

From utilizing a nearby nook or wall space to adding a separate dressing area with a mirror, these easy ideas will help you optimize the space you have and help you achieve that dreamy look.

13. Raise the Bar

via containerstore

The clothing bar is usually installed in somewhat the mid-section of the center of the linen closet – time to change your mind! Raising the bar a little higher frees up space below to store essentials.

Install stand-in dressers if you want to replicate a built-in and it would look the same. Fix drawers according to your need and don’t forget to put dividers for the ultimate organization. If you have compartments like this one, make sure you utilize them to the fullest!

14. Efficient Tiny Closet

via dianaelizabethblog

No matter how much you love an item, you won’t remember to use it if it’s out of your sight. The most vulnerable thing here are those bags and clutches. If you have a tiny closet, organize it to keep the wallets and clutches on display.

Bring in new hangers and rods to increase the space and help with the organization. You can also bring purse hooks and install garment organizers to beautify it. Also, while we’re talking about efficient closets, lighting is very important. Make sure you have it in a good location and the closet is well lit!

15. Doors and Bags

via howtonestforless

I have already mentioned that we can use the insides, and even the outside part of the closet door for storage, and here is another example. Storing bags isn’t easy owing to their shape. We cannot stash them here and there or they can lose their shape and get wrinkled – not very graceful!

Utilize the doors and install a few hooks on the insides. Hang small and big bags on them and you are done! This won’t be a permanent solution if your collection of bags is huge, but it’s perfect for a few special bags that need some extra love!

Things You Should Do To Refresh Your Closet For Fall https://inovatestory.com/things-you-should-do-to-refresh-your-closet-for-fall/ Mon, 30 Aug 2021 18:21:41 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=14601 Find out 10 tips from pro organizers for getting your closets in tip-top shape heading into fall.

Be Honest About Inventory

There are always those items you pull out year after year, but no longer love — and never wear. “Look at that raincoat — or all seven of those raincoats — and ask yourself, ‘Are they worthy of storage?’ ” says Michele Vig, founder and chief organizer of Neat Little Nest.

Paring down doesn’t take as long as you think if you do it each season, Vig says. The longer you wait, the more onerous the task becomes. All the more reason to keep up with it!

Can’t quite part with something yet? There’s a bonus to hanging on until next year: Consignment shops won’t usually buy out of season. Store the summer items you’re undecided about together, and maybe the money you could make will help you make the hard decision come spring.

Love Up Last Season

It might be tempting to simply yank all your summer things out of the closet and shove them in a bin until it gets warm again, but Vig says that would set up a toxic decluttering cycle.

First, give the items any attention they need, such as dry cleaning, mending and de-pilling. “When you take a little bit of time to get the dirt off, you will have a different feeling when you pull stuff out later,” she says. “You won’t pull out a task, you’ll have things you’ll be excited to wear.”

Strengthen Your Shoe Solution

Shoe volume goes up in the fall and winter. Re-think storage based on family habits. “Ask yourself: Am I a kicker or placer?” Vig says. For those who kick shoes off, use bins to corral shoes and boots. For placers, try an individualized shoe rack to keep those pairs paired.

Make It Personal

Vig says families commonly make one mistake in their mudrooms: sorting cool-weather gear by category (mittens, hats, scarves) instead of by person.

“Open-top bins labeled with each person’s name make it easy for everyone to get what they need,” Vig says. “Plus, it’s very obvious who didn’t pick up their stuff. Great for accountability.”

Lighten Up the Linen Closet

Pull out your heavier quilts, blankets and duvets. Wash them and/or run them through the fluff cycle on the dryer so they’re fresh for fall beds. If you prefer flannel sheets, time to start switching into those from your cotton ones, or at least putting them toward the front of the closet shelves for easy reach when temps dip. Donate any extras you’ve accumulated.

Vig offers this tip for folding and storing sheets compactly as sets: “To keep things neat, fold your flat, fitted and one pillowcase, then slide inside the second pillowcase to store it.”

Style Seasonal Décor

Odds are you’re ready to retire your coconut candle and pull out a spiced apple pie or pumpkin scent instead. “Put your summer stuff in a bin labeled that way and pull out fall stuff,” Vig says.

She puts seasonal décor such as chargers, candleholders, pillowcases and photos on shelving so she can shop her closet. Holiday-specific décor goes in bins labeled by holiday. Seasonal switchout decorating becomes fun and just an arm’s-reach away.

Pare Down the Fun and Games

The game cupboard or closet is often forgotten until fall. “We’ve been spending all summer outdoors and now it’s time to curl up in our comfy pajamas at the game table to make memories with our families,” says Michelle Hansen, founder of Practical Perfection.

Organize games and puzzles. Donate any that your family has outgrown or just those extras accumulated during the pandemic lockdown. Missing pieces? Be sure to mark the box when donating. Alternatively, give away what you have on NextDoor or Craigslist to complete someone else’s set, or repurpose pieces as crafts.

Freshen Closets and Dresser Drawers

Add this step when you’ve pulled everything out of your closets or dressers, before loading in the wool and cashmere. “The change of season is a great time to change out closet air fresheners or drawer liners,” says Brenda Scott, owner and professional organizer of Tidy MySpace. “It starts the season off fresh and odor-free.”

Plus, beautifully designed drawer or liner paper can add a feeling of polish and luxury to a ho-hum space.

Pick Through the Pantry

A pantry is basically a closet for food, right? That needs regular decluttering and organizing, too. According to Marie Clark, managing editor at Cost Contessa, now is a good time to organize the pantry because we’re 18 months or so past the start of many pandemic lockdowns.

“Your pandemic food stock is starting to expire,” she says. “Many items we consider shelf-stable have a life of one to two years, so if you haven’t sorted through them yet, it’s time. Check all of your expiration dates and make a note of which products are about to expire and incorporate them into your meal planning, meal prepping or donate them.”

Bye-Bye, Old Baking Supplies

“Most people take a break from baking and cooking in the summer, but as soon as the temperatures start to drop, everyone starts baking again,” Hansen says.

Toss the stale sprinkles and barely-there rolled-up chocolate-chip bags in the back of the cabinet, and stock up on any staple ingredients you need. While you’re at it, add extra baking sheets and pans to the donate bin, too.

5 Super Easy Steps To Make Your Wardrobe Organized https://inovatestory.com/5-super-easy-steps-to-make-your-wardrobe-organized/ Tue, 22 Jun 2021 23:33:49 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=9182 Do you ever look in your wardrobe…and it all seems so complicated? It’s not that you lack having clothes. The problem is actually that you have too many, which just makes you feel overwhelmed. Try to use these 5 easy steps to declutter and organize your closet quickly.

Yep, you can take that clutter, and turn it into a more minimalist closet that actually serves you well. In 5 steps!

No complicated, drawn-out process of taking out everything you own, and contemplating each item deeply.

Nope, here’s a system for decluttering clothes and shoes.. even when you’re busy.

And when you want the freedom to choose each day’s outfit in a timely fashion!

The catch?

You’re going to have to be a bit cutthroat about it all. No dwelling on “but I might need this when <insert your delusional situation here>.”

Agree? Okay, let’s get started.

Proper Decluttering Mindset

Go into it with the right attitude: Tell yourself that you’re going to spend the next 30 minutes or 1 hour clearing your wardrobe. You will feel so accomplished when you’re done!

Get ready to be decisive: You can’t love all your clothes equally, right? Now’s the time to shed the extra ‘weight’ of clothing clutter that interferes with your mornings. Plan to make decisions rather quickly about what’s actually worth your precious closet space.

Put on your favorite music: Or podcast, or audiobook, or whatever will distract you just enough that you forget you’re doing a chore. But not so much that you can’t work while listening.

Grab a few garbage bags or empty boxes: You’ll need somewhere to put the stuff you’re not keeping.

Plan your reward: A downsized, easy-to-use wardrobe is a reward on its own of course. But plan a little treat for yourself to celebrate your accomplishment.

Here’re 5 easy steps to declutter your wardrobe:

1. The first run through

Quickly run through your closet, and pull out what you know full well you don’t need or want.

Ya know, that sweater you got as a gift and never liked. That scarf you bought for that costume that one time. The shoes with the broken heel.

Just go with your first instinct. If it’s not a ‘Hell yeah,’ it’s a ‘Hell no!’

2. Eliminate what doesn’t apply to your current situation

Most of us have these fantasy versions of ourselves.

Like how you thought you were gonna be cute skinny jeans and ankle boot person every day, but realistically you wear yoga pants most of the time.

Or how you’re pretty sure you will get around to losing those 20 lbs…someday.

There’s just no sense in keeping your closet stuffed with clothes that don’t apply to who you actually are right now.

That clutter is just noise that you do.not.need.

3. Sort through duplicate items

You don’t need 17 black v-neck shirts. They can’t all be equally good, right?

Some are faded, and there’s that one with the hole in the armpit.

Rank duplicate items by their condition, and how much you love and use them. Then just keep the top few in each category.

4. Move infrequently worn items to the back

Your special occasion clothes are best kept completely out of the way of your daily life.

The job interview suit, black funeral dress, and bathing suit cover-up do not need to be front and center, complicating things.

If you have somewhere other than your closet you can keep them, even better!

5. Pull out anything you haven’t worn in a year

Be honest now. All four seasons have passed in the last 12 months. Did you really wear all that stuff?

If you haven’t chosen to wear it anytime recently, it is fairly unlikely that you will choose it going forward.

How ya doin’? That wasn’t SO bad, right?

8 Clever Storage Ideas For Kid’s Bedroom https://inovatestory.com/8-clever-storage-ideas-for-kids-bedroom/ Sun, 20 Jun 2021 14:18:54 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=8738 Keeping your kids’ small bedrooms clean and organized can seem like a continual battle. However, you can win the war with simple these small bedroom storage solutions for kids. Getting ready to reclaim your kids’ bedrooms!

1. Go for bunks

Bunk beds are a classic shared bedroom choice because they are a brilliant solution to keeping a room as spacious as possible. Not only do bunk beds efficiently use vertical space — leaving essential floor space free for movement, play, and additional furniture — but they also give you the ability to create extra storage solutions around, or within, the bed structure.

For instance, you might try placing storage shelves or cubbies up high near the top bunk. Alternatively, look for modular or built-in bunk beds that provide storage — drawers or cubes — within the bed frame itself.

2. Choose double-duty pieces

Multifunctional furniture is a must in a small shared bedroom, so look for pieces that can perform at least two tasks. Toy chests are excellent storage options that can be placed at the foot of a bed, under a window, or against a wall. To create a second functional use, top a chest with cushions to turn it into a seat at a play table or in a reading corner.

Similarly, a well-designed wall unit can be used not only to house books, clothes, and knickknacks but also as a dresser and even desk for each child. Also, some chairs have pull-up seats that reveal a small storage compartment — every little bit can help

3. Shelve it

Shelves are a terrific solution for toy organization and storage. Streamlined in design, shelving is typically relatively shallow, meaning it won’t bulk up the room. Shelves can go above dressers, desks or even the bedroom door for infrequently used items. For younger siblings, consider placing shelves lower on the wall where shorter kids can easily reach their own books and toys. Put shelving higher for taller kids to efficiently use the vertical space.

In addition to their functional role, shelves are also a cost-effective way to add colorful wall decor to your kids’ room. You might select shelving in different sizes and colors, and artfully arrange the shelves on a wall. For a personalized touch, curate shelves for each sibling — perhaps using each child’s favorite color for his or her personal shelf space.

When filling the shelves, think about coordinating color, shape and type of object. Not only will this be visually appealing, but it will also make it easier for your kids to remember where objects belong.

4. Get cubed

Storage cubes are a fantastic option for a shared children’s bedroom. Today’s cubed pieces have come a long way from the plain white squares of days gone by. The market has now created a range of styles, from colorful stacked cubbies to rounded cubes that can be hung on a wall. One of these styles is sure to make a splash in your children’s room.

Cubes are great because they are flexible, and because they are ideal for incorporating bins or baskets for each child and their objects. You don’t have to blow the budget on expensive pieces. Milk crates are stackable, portable, inexpensive, and come in an assortment of colors. Similarly, wooden crates can be repainted in a customized color for a DIY look.

5. Get hooked

Hooks allow you to organize and decorate at the same time. They also make whatever is hung easier for your kids to find.

Thanks to their petite size, hooks can be an efficient storage solution. Their small volume means they can go on a wall that couldn’t otherwise accommodate a piece of furniture. An awkward space in a bedroom or an unused portion of a closet wall can be an excellent place to put hooks. Try hanging fabric storage bags or sacks on each hook for storing gloves or smaller toys.

You may want to find hooks that work with a theme in your kids’ bedroom. Today’s hooks come in a variety of designs, including safari animals, trains, and stars. Designate an animal or a color of star for each child.

6. Use the space under the bed

The large, flat space under your children’s bed is begging to be used. To free up closets and drawers, consider swapping out your kids’ seasonal items and placing them under the bed. If the beds have skirts or concealed under-the-bed spaces, you could choose cost-efficient plastic storage bags since the containers won’t be seen.

7. Max out the closet

In a shared bedroom, the closet is a valuable storage container. But you still need to use it wisely. Maximize every inch of your kids’ closet by acting as your own closet designer and approaching this challenge methodically.

First, calculate the amount of hanging space you’ll need for each child. Categorize the hanging space into short or long. Once you have this information, you can decide where to place each hanging rod for the appropriate length and width. Add shelving, pullout baskets or floating drawers that get attached to the wall on every unused portion in between the hanging rods. Don’t forget to install hooks on unused walls and even the back of the door.

If you have the space to organize the closet for more than one child, divide it from top to bottom and create a mirror-image design on either side. This will give each child a designated space and help them learn to clean up and put away their clothes.

8. Pare down

Less is more when it comes to a children’s room. Embrace this concept and edit what your kids have outgrown or simply don’t need. Try to pare down every six months or so. You’ll be surprised how many unnecessary items you’ll be able to donate or discard. And your children’s room will feel uncluttered, lighter, and balanced.

9 Ways To Recycle Clothes & Shoes To Save Money And Protect Our Environment https://inovatestory.com/9-ways-to-recycle-clothes-shoes-to-save-money-and-protect-our-environment/ Sat, 19 Jun 2021 00:27:27 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=8593 Almost all clothes and shoes are recyclable, so learn how to recycle your clothing and shoes, even if they’re not in great condition, is an important contribution to our environment. Scroll down for a few options on how to do so.

1. Look into textile recycling near you

You can still recycle clothes & shoes that aren’t in good condition. Get started by looking for textile recycling near you or clothes recycling bins near me.

Textile recycling might not be as easy as throwing the items into a bin, dragging it to the curb, and waiting for someone else to pick them up, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Search for clothing recycling bins in your area, many of which will take clothing in any condition, and drop off your items for free. There are also plenty of websites that help you find bins in your area.

2. Donate them to places that take old clothing

There are also certain donation spots that will actually take your super old clothing and get them recycled for you. The companies get money for the clothing, and that money goes towards charities. Some go to foreign markets, while some end up being used for things like insulation and upholstery stuffing.

3. Talk to thrift shops

Thrift stores often get more donations than they need and they don’t just throw away the items they can’t use. While some thrift stores won’t take worn-out clothing, some do — and they just recycle what they don’t use. If you regularly go into a thrift store or you’re familiar with one, go in and ask what their practices are. Be sure they aren’t just throwing them away.

4. Drop them off at stores that will help

There are even some big-name stores that will accept old clothes and help them get recycled. They will take your old clothes and shoes for you, recycle them, and even give you a reward for them. They also take old denim and sends it to a green company that turns it into housing insulation.

5. See if they can be composted

According to RecycleBank, clothing made of cotton and other natural fibers can be composted, as long as they aren’t blended with synthetic fibers like polyester. To compost these, shred them finely and remove any attachments, like zippers or buttons.

6. Turn them into rags to use around your house

If you really don’t want to go out of your way to recycle your items or drop them off somewhere, you can recycle them yourself at home. Old clothing often makes great cleaning rags. Simply cut up the clothes and turn them into rags for dusting and cleaning – you’ll save money, keep your home clean, and reuse otherwise destroyed items.

7. Look up other textile recycling programs near you

There are so many more textile recycling programs out there than you’d think. Have old bras you don’t know what to do with? The Bra Recyclers takes old bras at drop-off stations or you can even mail them in to be repurposed or recycled.

8. Make a quilt

If you have a sentimental attachment to T-shirts, dresses, or scarves that aren’t in very good condition, cut them up and sew them into a quilt that will always remind you of the memories you associate with them.

9. Get artsy

Whether it’s crafting a sock puppet for your little one or using it to explore your inner fashion designer, try having a bit of artistic fun with pieces you’re never going to wear again anyway —what have you got to lose?

7 DIY Clothing Hacks That Will Make Your Clothes More Fashionable https://inovatestory.com/7-diy-clothing-hacks-that-will-make-your-clothes-more-fashionable/ Tue, 18 May 2021 02:21:42 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=4192 If you’re into DIY and you’re quite creative, you won’t have to burn holes in your wallet just to stay fashionable. Here are 7 amazing DIY clothing hacks that’ll breathe new life into your wardrobe.

Following fashion trends can be quite expensive. You need to purchase new stuff to make sure you don’t wear outdated clothes. Plus, you may also have to purchase your items from luxury brands to really live your fashion dreams. Stop wasting your money On them. Check out these awesome clothing hacks.

1. Get new buttons

If you have old blazers that you really adore, consider sewing new buttons on them. You can get really nice pieces from local and online craft shops.

Now, don’t worry about sewing them into your clothes. The process is quite easy. With a needle and a thread, you should be able to complete this hack in just a few minutes.

Buttons are generally not expensive. Plus, you’ll just need a few pieces. With this hack, your clothes will look brand new again.

2. Start adding patches

The nice thing about patches is that they work on most clothes and even bags. Of course, you have to consider the item you’ll be working on and find the perfect pieces that’ll complete them.

Like buttons, you can also purchase your patches from craft and tool shops.

3. Take out your jeans’ pockets

Don’t be afraid to experiment with this hack. If you’re afraid of ruining your jeans, you can start with one back pocket first and see how you’d like your jeans after.

If you’re feeling a bit brave, remove both back pockets and fray the hems of your jeans. It’s not that complicated so go ahead and give it a try.

4. Add embellishments

Got old chains in your drawer? It’s time to take them out and use them in making your clothes and jacket pockets look fancy. This trick works well with socks and caps, too.

5. Try the men’s section

If you want to be fashionable, you have to be confident. That includes shopping the men’s section and looking for a pair of trousers that fits you. The trick here is to pull the extra fabric towards the front and then fold over before securing everything with a belt.

6. Bleach, anyone?

Bleaching isn’t just great for getting new hair color. The technique works well in giving clothing items a vintage look, too.

Obviously, your clothes need a different kind of bleach. If you’re unsure how to do this trick, there are tons of tutorials online like this one.

7. Remember shoulder pads

Shoulder pads may look funny for some people but they’re a big help in enhancing coats, jackets, blouses, and even dresses. These pads help create the illusion of having broad shoulders. Plus, they offer subtle support for people with sloping shoulders, too. The became popular in the 1930s.

This hack is best used on jackets. If you have an oversized denim jacket hiding in your closet, take it out. Buy a new set of shoulder pads and sew them into your jacket. You’ll look like you got it from a luxury brand!

20 Clever Life Hacks For Your Tiny Closet https://inovatestory.com/20-clever-life-hacks-for-your-tiny-closet/ Sat, 08 May 2021 23:55:32 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=2659 Clever Life Hacks for Your Tiny Closet.

Here we are sharing with you some clever life hacks for your tiny closet. Read on and get your closets in order and clutter-free using the following closet organization and storage hacks.




















