Even If you aren’t a coffee or a tea drinker, you absolutely need to know this natural way to remove tea stains from mugs. Here\u2019s how to do it easily without using harsh chemicals!\n
There have been several occasions in recent years where I\u2019ve heard people talking about needing to bleach their coffee mugs. Let me just say, the fact that this is a \u201cnormal\u201d way of taking care of this problem totally freaks me out. First of all, because bleach makes me nervous and secondly because I\u2019m a mug-drinking kind of girl! How many bleached mugs have I been drinking from all of these years? I have a different method to remove tea stains from my mugs and it works just as well!
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\nNow of course, if you love coffee and tea as much as I do, your mugs are going to wind up looking like this before too long.\n
OK, so here are the steps you need to take to get your mugs sparkly clean:\n
The Results\n
Why would you waste your time and potentially your health messing with bleach or other harsh cleaners when vinegar works so well so quickly?
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\nI so appreciate having nice, shiny clean mugs when I go to make my tea in the morning, but I appreciate not being slightly paranoid about drinking bleach even more!\n