When an adult child hugs their mom, it’s a hug that’s like traveling through a time portal. Suddenly, Mom sees you as three, sitting on her lap, kissing away boo-boos, and smelling delicious after a bath.
And when she holds you a little tighter and closer, it’s because “you’re going to miss this” held true for her—and she wants to keep the moment of three-year-old you alive just a little longer.
So, when you hug your mother, don’t give her a hug with gentle arms where there’s so much space to breathe between you. Give her strong arms, the kind where the world stops still on its axis.
Let her take a moment to cherish those beautiful memories.
Because she loves you more than anyone.
And you’d want your child to do the same.
: @livingfullaftered (Danielle Sherman-Lazar)
: Art by Claudia Tremblay